Blood 13 Steps | zh

BAD BLOOD From Beijing China. BEIJING -- Casper Markus is slouching against the wall of a Beijing nightclub, sizing up the stage where his hip-hop group will perform that night. "It's too small," he complains. "I could fall off. I want a big stage." He's a sullen 22-year-old kid with a bandana around his head, a former car thief from a Scarborough, Ont., immigrant ghetto who spent eight months inside Toronto's Mimico Detention Centre for drug possession and robbery. It was a rough stretch in a notoriously violent and gang-ridden jail. He survived by writing rap lyrics, reading Malcolm X,...
Formed at the beginning of 2013, Royal Blood are a 2-piece band from Brighton, East Sussex, UK. Having known each other for years in different bands, Mike Kerr (Bassist/Vocalist) & Ben Thatcher (Drums) finally came together and went into the studio to record ‘Figure It Out’ – the first track that brought attention to the band. At the tail end of 2013, Royal Blood released ‘Out of The Black’, their debut single on Black Mammoth Records. The band released their debut album ''Royal Blood’' on 22 August, 2014 which sold 66,000 copies in its first week. .
Two Steps From Hell was founded in February 2006. Although we have a decidedly devilish name, our catalogue continues to expand into a broad musical spectrum that is well suited for all genres of the motion picture advertising markets. We use renowned orchestras, choirs and musical talent from around the globe. All compositions are written by Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix in solar powered studios. Be sure to check out the "No Country For Old Men" Academy trailer, which features Two Steps From Hell music in the entire backend of this award winning masterpiece. .
My Bloody Valentine 真正的shoegaze王者 在80年代末至90年代,英国出现了纯粹以吉他噪音实验为目标的乐队与风格,并且获得了相当大的成功,在英国独立摇滚中可谓独树一帜。敏感的乐评人称这一类音乐风格为“自赏摇滚”(Shoe-gazing)。“自赏摇滚”这一名称很是贴切,既包涵了乐队的音乐风格,又暗示了乐队特立独行的生活态度。 My Bloody Valentine就是这类摇滚的代表人物,Loveless是该乐队的第二张专辑,被公认为是该乐队最成功的代表作。与Ride的《Nowhere》并称为Shoegazing运动中的里程碑式专辑。 .
1. An American post-hardcore band formed in the Eastside suburbs of Seattle, Washington in 1997. The quintet released five albums during their 10 year existence and spawned numerous side-projects along the way. All of the band members have gone on to professional careers with other bands. They officially broke up in November 2007. 2. Ukrainian Iron Maiden Cover Band, active since 2010. .
找到了 3 歌曲, 持续时间: 11:37
13 Steps tam-tam 1995
The Blood and the Sweet (Sick Of It All Cover)
Dance tam-tam 1995