Mike Larrabee Music _ALPREDATOR | zh

Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike have come a long way in a very short period of time. Sought after producers, remixers to the A-list elite – Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, LMFAO, Pitbull – and #1 hit makers, the accolades they’ve clocked up so far are equal to those some amass in a lifetime! Touring across the planet, they are one of the hottest tickets in dance music & grace the biggest venues & festivals with their explosive brand of EDM. Official producers for Tomorrowland, the pair set global charts and radio waves on fire with Tomorrow, The Way We See...
Musica Elettronica Viva could not be easily defined as one band. Instead, MEV was closer to a movement based around the idea of free improvisation in the form of experimental, electronic jazz.In the early '70s, there were three different (but related) bands that went by the name: one in New York that included Richard Teitelbaum and Frederic Rzewski; one in Paris, led by Patricia and Ivan Coaquette (before his Spacecraft days); and one in Rome, founded by Alvin Curran. In 1970, the French label BYG issued two recordings that included members from each of the branches of MEV. The first...
The legend of Mike Stud dates back to his days growing up (some even say blowing up) as one of Providence, Rhode Island’s greatest ball players of all time. As a highly touted high school Senior at Saint Raphael’s Academy, Stud’s work on the mound earned him Rhode Island’s 2006 Gatorade Player of the Year and Louisville Slugger Player of the Year honors. So when the Duke Blue Devils came knocking, he packed up his .354 batting average and 107 senior season strikeouts and headed to Durham. But it was the heat Stud was tossing off the field that was...
Mike Oldfield 麦克·欧菲尔德 于1953年生于英国Reading。10岁学习吉他,14岁与姐姐Sally组成乐队,15岁开始单飞自组乐队。 1971年 Mike Oldfield 发现当时的录音技术可以于同一母带中的不同声轨收录不同乐器声,Mike Oldfield 便决定使用此技术录制他的新唱片——《Tubular Bells》,并由他自己分开弹奏曲中各种乐器,再组合成一曲。当时的唱片公司对 Mike Oldfield 的尝试只觉得有趣,但不觉得有市场价值。直到碰上正在筹组的Virgin Records,Mike Oldfield 和Virgin公司一拍即合,《Tubular Bells》这张只有2首乐曲,而每首乐曲长度都超过20分钟的专辑便成为Virgin首张发行的唱片。最终这张《Tubular Bells》成为在全球狂飚1600万张销量的惊世天碟,并立即令Virgin Records成为唱片业界其中一家最重要的唱片公司之一。《Tubular Bells Part I》里4分多钟的一段还成为惊栗电影《The Exorcist 大法师》的主题音乐。 自此,Mike Oldfield 顺理成章的成为当代的电子音乐大师。其实说他是电子音乐的大师,也是不全面的,因为虽然 Mike Oldfield 利用电子音乐来创作,但是他的音乐蕴含了许多的元素,从典型的英国民谣、爱尔兰歌曲、到摇滚歌曲,精致而多样,而且他的音乐中也有古典的元素,也使用了传统的乐器,比如:空心木吉他之类。更难能可贵的是,Mike Oldfield 每一张作品在风格上都丰富多变。但作为一个着名的电子音乐大师,无论创作或者演奏,其丰富和多变的内容似乎是符合电子音乐属于现代的超流行的特征和气质。 随后 Mike Oldfield 继续在New Age范畴上发行了数张唱片,但均无法突破《Tubular Bells》的成绩。至1980年间,Mike Oldfield 转战Pop/Rock Music市场,其间创作了《Moonlight Shadow》等名曲,但亦无法如《Tubular Bells》般成功。直至今天,Mike Oldfield 仍然从事音乐创作,并正在写自传,希望日后 Mike Oldfield 仍然有让人惊喜的作品带给乐迷。 值得一提的是,当年还是一个不太出名的创作流行歌手的 Micheal Cretu,在一次音乐盛会后,面对茫然的未来向当时已经功成名就的前辈 Mike Oldfield 请教。正是 Mike Oldfield 的一句"努力成为制作人,做自己想做的音乐"让 Micheal Cretu 茅塞顿开、豁然开朗,从而成就了后来一世功名的 New Age Music 之王——Enigma。 Mike Oldfield 成名历程 "我不是一个'正常'的音乐家,而是一个把想法用音符与节奏呈现的工程师。"擅长作曲以及多样乐器演奏的 Mike Oldfield 麦克·欧菲尔德 这么形容自己。 近30年的音乐生涯,当代音乐艺术雕刻巨匠 Mike Oldfield 经由个人对电吉他与各类电子合成器的接触,伴随着录音科技的脚步,不断的实验出各式乐器的声音极致,创造声响与真实空间互动的无限可能。 73年狂飙1600万张销售的惊世天碟《Tubular Bells》跨越了交响乐与摇滚乐的类型音乐界线,70年代接续以《Hergest Ridge》、《Ommadawn》、《Incantations》等作品突破听觉视野,80年代尝试加入人声演唱丰富旋律情感,写出《Moonlight Shadow》、《Family Man》等畅销曲,并抽空为奥斯卡提名片《杀戮战场》担任电影音乐工作。 90年代初,Mike Oldfield 告别Virgin音乐厂牌,转投华纳音乐旗下,距离首部曲长达20年的《Tubular Bells II》终于在92年亮相,两年后,Mike Oldfield 再度傲视潮流,推出备受好评的乐坛首张结合内附游戏与旅游软件的CD-ROM的音乐作品《The Songs Of Distant Earth 远土的歌声》,96年以专辑《Voyager 航行者》将触角延伸至凯尔特,98年发表的《Tubular Bells》三部曲完结篇《Tubular Bells III》则放入Ibiza音乐风格,99年在推出回归吉他的作品《Guitars》后,Oldfield以《The Millennium Bell...
Mike Francis, alias Francesco Puccioni (26.04.1961-30.01.2009), was born at 01:20 on April 26, 1961 in Florence, Italy. The choice of an English stage name comes from Mike's direct contact with American culture. Right after High School, although he thought of going to university, he began writing seriously his first songs, while at the same time studying composition and arrangement. Since his first album "Let's not talk about it", including the hit "Survivor", Mike carried through his activity as an author and composer with great success, other than for himself as in "Let Me In", for other artists, in this particular...
找到了 33 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:27:37
Harbinger Down KickStarter Trailer Music
Rise and Shine Longer
Harbinger Down Monsterpalooza Trailer
Haunting Twangy Guitar Washes
Eternal instrumental demo
Far From Near instrumental demo
Another Hunt alternate version