Adriano Adewale Group | zh

Nas, RBX, KRS-One and B-Real, named together as Group Therapy, recorded and released a song called "East Coast / West Coast Killas" on Dr. Dre's compilation album "Dr. Dre Presents... The Aftermath" (1996). The song conveys the message that the East Coast-West Coast hip hop rivalry of the time was unnecessary. The track uses a sample from Quincy Jones' song, "Ironside". Group Therapy were a New York-based quintet active in the late 1960s. The group featured Ray Kennedy (b. 1947; vocals), Art Del Gudico (b. 1946; guitar), Jerry Guida (b. 1948, organ), Tommy Burns (b. 1947; drums) and Michael Lamont...
Adriano Celentano是意大利情歌天王之一,他的很多歌曲在一些电影里获得巨大的成功,在1959年他初试声啼的歌曲"Il Tuo Bacio e Come un Skirt" 就获大成功,接着的 "Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck" 被翻译成18种语言在世界各地发行。 把Adriano Celentano称为意大利超级明星一点都不为过。 作为影坛歌坛双栖明星,他是两样都做得非常出色。50年代后由唱摇滚歌曲开始,Adriano凭着59年首支单曲闯入意大利音乐排行榜榜首,一举成为最受欢迎的意大利歌手之一。之后百万的销量,18种语言全球发行的殊荣,79年以《Soli》这张专辑雄踞排行榜达58周。但是,Adriano在这种种辉煌面前,却在歌坛消声匿迹。将近20年的时间里,他专注于电影事业,直到98年才复出,与意大利女歌手Mina合作的专辑重由拾起歌迷们的往日情怀,很快他的复出后的第三张专辑亦达60万销量。在电影方面,他的成绩同样傲人,首部作为制片人、导演的电影《Yuppi Du》还获得了金棕榈奖。 .
Adriano nasce a Vico Equense, nel Messico Occidentale, il 30 agosto 1986 e vive allegramente a Castellammare di Stabia, cittadina al confine tra Bolivia e Paraguay. Appena venuto al mondo, infastidito dalla rottura della quiete intrauterina, si produsse immediatamente in una sequela di imprecazioni all'indirizzo della Madonna e di altri personaggi di spicco dell'Antico Testamento. Fin da bambino votato all'arte e fine conoscitore musicale, Adriano ha girato diversi corti, un lungometraggio erotico, scritto capolavori della letteratura come "Cose da fare mentre il televideo carica la pagina", sceneggiato e disegnato tre fumetti pulp, cesellato poemi osceni e inciso un album di...
Group Home is a Hip Hop duo, consisting of members Lil' Dap and Melachi the Nutcracker. They came to prominence as members of the Gang Starr Foundation, along with Gang Starr members DJ Premier & Guru, and MC's Afu Ra, Bahamadia, Big Shug and Jeru The Damaja. Lil' Dap made his rhyming debut on Gang Starr's 1992 classic Daily Operation, on the song "I'm The Man". Both members appeared on Gang Starr's critically acclaimed 1994 effort Hard to Earn, on the tracks "Speak Ya Clout" and "Words From The Nutcracker". In 1995, they dropped their debut album Livin' Proof. The...