White Light (US) | zh

There is more than one artist with this name: 1. An Indie rock band formed in Sydney, Australia in 2008 and currently touring (the page pic is for this band). 2. A melodic art punk band based in Chicago, USA in 2003 and disbanded in 2007. Some members have gone on to form Bird per Hour 1. Sydney-based Greenlight's debut "Suns Burning Down" is due for release on Nov 7th, 2009, and they will be performing at the Newtown Festival on Nov 8th, 2009. The first single "Fish" is exclusively pre-released at http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Greenlight. 2. For the Chicago-based melodic art punk...
White Lies是一只乐队,作为2009年英国最受关注的年轻乐队之一,White Lies备受关注。 乐队介绍 Charles Cave和Jack Brown曾自组乐队,名为“Fear of Flying飞翔恐惧”,还未成年,就已经在Way Out West俱乐部登台表演。现在看来,那真是一段不同寻常的经历。他二人都来自西伦敦,从小自是好友。孩童时代,Charles Cave演奏低音小提琴,Jack Brown负责敲鼓和三角铁,在学校参与表演。几年之后,Harry McVeigh加入,作为主唱,三个人成立了自己的乐队,当时都只有15岁(有意思的是,Jack在乐队成立前两星期才有了真正属于自己的鼓)。 发展历程 乐队初建,三人在周末的晚上表演爵士乐,常常兴奋至极,玩到午夜忘记回家,被母亲呵斥,而第二天一早又相聚一起。那段日子对他们来讲,是寻找音乐路线的最初阶段。他们怀揣着激昂的音乐梦想,深受多种音乐元素的影响,他们逐渐形成了颇有气势,震撼爆裂的音乐风格。2008年10月,仅用了15分钟就完成了代表作《Unfinished Business未完成的事业》—— 一首哀悼挽歌情绪的摇滚乐。这首歌让他们从狂热的音乐爱好者一跃成为流行音乐创作者。随即决定开始职业生涯,告别“飞翔恐惧”,成立“善意谎言”,大展宏图。 White Lies乐队以前的名字叫做“Fear Of Flying”,由Charles Cave和Jack Brown组建,后来Harry MCVeigh加入,就把乐队名改成white lies。Harry McVeigh主唱兼吉他手,Charles Cave负责贝斯手以及填词,而Jack Brown负责打击乐器。乐队初建,三人在周末的晚上表演爵士乐,常常兴奋至极、玩到午夜忘记回家,被母亲呵斥,而第二天一早又相聚一起。那段日子对他们来讲,是寻找音乐路线的最初阶段。他们怀揣着激昂的音乐梦想,深受多种音乐元素的影响,逐渐形成了颇有气势,震撼爆裂的音乐风格。07年4月,white lies发布第一支限量版单曲“Unfinished Business”—— 一首哀悼挽歌情绪的摇滚乐,让他们从狂热的音乐爱好者一跃成为流行音乐创作者。之后在9月22日发布的“Death”备受好评,并成功杀入英国单曲榜52位。08年12月29日在iTunes上发布了“From The Stars”,紧接着发布了EP。虽说是一支新力军,但已经颇具大牌的潜质,其成熟的音乐理念,超群的音乐塑造能力不容小觑,绝对算得上是2009年的亮点乐团之一。 乐队特点 White lies的音乐黑暗、成熟、深厚、耀眼、阴郁、雄壮、坚硬锁骨,冰冷如石。这支年轻的后朋乐队和The Editors类似,被看成英伦乐队新一代的代表。值得一提的是,White Lies被认为是继承了自Joy Division、Interpol的英伦阴郁,主唱Harry McVeigh的个人气质甚至屡屡被媒体拿来和已故Joy Division的主唱Ian Curtis做比较,称他为Ian灵魂附体(也有Ian Curtis的拥护者对此异常反感)。 Charles的歌词令人惊叹,新奇鼓舞,不同寻常。他创作了一系列低沉,丰富的故事,谋杀,疯癫,复仇,失去,爱恋;目前他正在创作一首歌,描写了“一个痛恨父母的女孩,反被父母报复,在遗嘱上强迫她亲手将他们窒息而死,悬挂于屋前,日日面对”。这是其中一首颇具Charles风格的作品。 .
There are at least two bands named White Ash: 1. White Ash is an indie rock/garage punk band from Tokyo, Japan who released their first mini album "On the other hand, the Russia is…" on 9/15/2010. They consist of Nobita on guitar/vocals, Yama-san on Guitar, Aya on Bass, and Tsuyoshi on Drums. The band's offical website is http://www.whiteash.jp/ 2. White Ash was straight-forward heavy metal act out of United States of America (Detroit, Michigan). They formed in the early 80's and were able to secure a deal with Paragonn Records to record a single: Live with Rock'n'Roll / The spell,...
Whiteberry were a five-piece all-girl pop/rock band from Hokkaido, Japan. Although not reaching more than cult status outside of their native country (many American J-pop fans consider them to be a cross between punk pioneers The Ramones and R&B superstars TLC), the group gained a loyal following with their recordings and live performances. The band - vocalist Yuki Maeda, guitarist Aya Inatsuki, bassist Yukari Hasegawa, keyboardist Rimi Mizusawa, and drummer Erika Kawamura - formed in 1994 while the members - all lifelong friends, while Maeda and Kawamura were also cousins - were just starting junior high school. A few years...
找到了 37 歌曲, 持续时间: 02:19:25
No Light Shall Save Us
Light (1973)
white light
No Light Shall Save Us
What Is This
Unprecedented us white light
I Couldn't Get High
Heartbreak Hotel
But I Don't Know Why
No Light Shall Save Us
Instrumental Il
VDFM (1973)
Always Always
Mistrust, Seperation, Divorce
I'm Waiting For The Man
Heat Chills
Separate Reality
White Light
i'll Be There 4 U in the Morning Light
No Light Shall Save Us (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
The Poem Song
No Light Shall Save Us (ft. Alissa White-Gluz)
You'll Loose A Good Thing
Rock In The Moonlight
No Light Shall Save Us (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
Baby What You Want Me To Do
U&I(Original mix)Preveiw
White Chapel (Light Asylum Remix)
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