Absolute Valentine | zh

来自英国威尔士南部Bridgend大学的四位学生于1999年组建了Bullet for My Valentine。最初,他们曾以“Jeff kill john”和“Opportunity In Chigago”为名,专门翻唱一些Nirvana与Metallica的作品。2002年,乐队曾在一张双CD的威尔士乐队合辑中发表了一首作品。之后,贝司手Nik Crandle退出,新成员Jason James填补了这一位置的空缺。从此,乐队也换掉了以前那些土气的名字,正式更名为Bullet For My Valentine(我的情人节子弹)。 2004年2月,BFMV开始在陆陆续续的演出中吸引到一些主流厂牌的注意。他们试图与Roadrunner唱片公司签约,但最终未能如愿。同年10月,乐队与英国厂牌Visible Noise签约。11月,他们的首张EP《Hand Of Blood》在该公司旗下发行。并且,乐队还凭借这张唱片被著名的金属/摇滚杂志《Kerrang!》评选为当年“英国最佳新晋团体”,BFMV的任期从此一路彪升。进入2005年,BFMV终于不负众望,开始在国际摇滚乐坛上大放异彩。首张专辑《The Poison》一经推出,就以一股势不可当的劲头在各种广播/电视节目与排行榜中蔓延开来。随后,乐队转签至Trustkill Records旗下,这又为他们的发展铺平道路。 BFMV是富有时代感与明星气质的,他们的音乐是Heavy Metal,Hardcore与Emo碰撞时引爆的轰鸣,他们的外形鲜亮、时尚,充斥着一股New School式的诱人魅力。流畅悦耳的曲风与动感激荡的节奏相得益彰;时而咆哮时而轻柔的唱腔在从容的交替中尽情挥洒着摇滚乐的激情与快感。除此之外,乐队的唱片封套设计基于美式漫画的特点,精致而富有情节性,更增添了一种吸引眼球的效果,令人爱不释手。在当今的金属乐队普遍趋于低龄化的形势中,尽管我们看到的大多式些稚气未脱的面孔,但正式这种年轻、充满朝气、活力与冲动的状态,在某种程度上积极促使着音乐形态的不断发展与转变。 .
There are at least 4 artists sharing this name: 1) Absolute is a French fusion-metal band which hails from Epinay-sur-Seine, a town which is located to the North of Paris, in the infamous problem suburbs. The band was created in 1998 from the ashes of two other bands: Noisy Underground and Zork. 2) Absolute, AKA M.I.K.E., is Mike Dierickx. Formerly known as Dirk Dierickx, he resides in Antwerp, Belgium. In 2000, he decided to change his real name from Dirk to Mike. Mike quotes: "When I started to dj at the age of 16, i used the name Dj Mike...
Beginner (formerly Absolute Beginner) is the name of a German rap group from Hamburg, consisting of Jan Delay, Denyo and DJ Mad. The group was founded as "Absolute Beginner" in 1991, initially with six members: Jan Delay, Denyo, Mardin, DJ Burn, Nabil, Mirko, but the latter three dropped out after a few months. They started rapping in English and German with homemade beats, but later went over to rapping solely in German. During their first public appearance they met DJ Mad, who immediately joined the group. After the release of "Flashnizm" Mardin left the group. Their breakthrough album "Bambule" is...
My Bloody Valentine 真正的shoegaze王者 在80年代末至90年代,英国出现了纯粹以吉他噪音实验为目标的乐队与风格,并且获得了相当大的成功,在英国独立摇滚中可谓独树一帜。敏感的乐评人称这一类音乐风格为“自赏摇滚”(Shoe-gazing)。“自赏摇滚”这一名称很是贴切,既包涵了乐队的音乐风格,又暗示了乐队特立独行的生活态度。 My Bloody Valentine就是这类摇滚的代表人物,Loveless是该乐队的第二张专辑,被公认为是该乐队最成功的代表作。与Ride的《Nowhere》并称为Shoegazing运动中的里程碑式专辑。 .
找到了 93 歌曲, 持续时间: 08:36:25
One Night in Miami 1986
She Is A Dancer
In the 42nd Street
Automatic Call
Can We Talk
One Night in Miami 1986
Disco Lover (#synthwave #retrowave #outrun #80s)
Where Angel Fly
Where Angel Fly
One Night In 1986 (Fouche Remix)
She's a Dancer
One night in Miami 1986 (Fouché remix)
Hot Since '82
Wonderkids (Absolute Valentine Remix)
Awakening (Absolute Valentine Remix)
Hot Since '82
Where Angel Fly [2013]
One Night In Miami 1986 (Fouché remix)
Bad News (Original Mix)
In 42nd Street (320)
She is a Dancer [2013]
Whispers In The House
Disco Lover 2014
One Night in 1986
In the 42nd Street (Original Mix)
one night in 1986
In The 42nd Street
11.Absolute Valentine - In 42nd Street
Wonderkids (Absolute Valentine Remix)
Where Angel Fly
She is a Dancer (Alpharisc Remix)
She's a dancer
Omega [LP] (2019)
She is dancer
Flesh Of Fallen Angels
In The 42nd Street