Attack Force | zh

1999年9月成军的Dragonforce原名Dragonheart,由於团名易造成混淆因此於2001年正式易名,当时由於mp3 "Black Winter Night" 的下载达半百万次,造成金属界的轰动,因此不久便被德国金属大厂NOISE签下,并发行首张正式专辑「Valley Of The Damned」。 DragonForce的音乐走向除了受到前卫金属的影响,更融合了当今最top的melodic power metal 曲风 (如Stratovarius)、Symphonic metal (如Rhapsody) 的精华,以及Michael Kiske与Kai Hansen在籍的Helloween经典风格,然而在热血度方面却是Dragonforce略胜一筹;最为难能可贵的是李康敏 (Herman Li) 的吉他技术表现确实已超越近年来所有同类型乐团的吉他手,试听过造成mp3轰动下载的 "Black Winter Night" 你就能感受什麼叫做技术、旋律、速度、力道兼顾的吉他演奏!此外今日已快失传的吉他sweep技术终於在本专辑完全复活!实在振奋人心!至於其他歌曲呢?除了热血还是热血! 在某种程度上说,Dragonforce是个奇迹,立足于伦敦,英国一个他们的音乐风格几乎不存在的国度。他们于1999.9组建,最初名字叫Dragonheart,为了避免和其他乐队,厂牌,电影重名混淆于2001.12改称Dragonforce. 乐队开始由两吉他强人Herman Li 和Sam Totman,主唱ZP Theart和键盘手Vadim pruzhanov组成,后来贝司手Adrian Lambert和鼓手David mackintosh加入,一个标准摇滚团体便诞生了。但是他们唯一不同的是:多种文化交融(香港,uk,新西兰,南非,乌克兰),这对一个新生乐队来说是从没有过的。 早期的Dragonforce风格可以说是当代旋律能量金属和速度金属狂暴的结合。通过对各种摇滚,金属中最喜欢的方面的吸收,糅合,他们逐渐形成了自己特有的风格,包括classic/power/thrash/speed/death/progressive metal/hard rock 和 video games music(游戏音乐)。再像辛烷般高能量的演奏,Dragonforce的音乐最好的定位可能就是''Extreme Power Metal’(极限能量金属)吧?(青出于蓝而胜于蓝啊!) 超级动人,让人难以忘怀的旋律配上一些残暴,速度,能量,复杂的双吉他绝技和极限的金属鼓点都只是把他们和其他大多数乐队分开的一些特点。而那残暴的声音根本不能掩盖乐队那不容置疑的创作能力。 在金属地下界成名几年的他们以一首自制的demo开始,当时仅一个站点上这首歌的下载数就超过50万。 Dragonforce之后和参加自己的演出一样与很受欢迎的Halford,Stratovarius和Virgin Steele一起举行了英国巡回演,而当时他们根本没出过专辑。在处女作<>出炉的基础上,金属迷们见证了他们知道而媒体直到当时都不知道的事情,dragonforce的崛起:日本火爆排行No 1 ?Marilyn Manson / No 2 ?Helloween / No 3 ?DragonForce .后来,乐队就被邀请到东南亚进行第一次演出,泰国自己主打,日本巡回为Helloween演开场,在台湾为贵客演出。 火热的专辑评论及专辑在欧洲的大卖,加上后来乐队被邀请参加一些著名的音乐节,比如Sweden Rock,西班牙的Torres Rock ,德国的 Young Metal Gods和英国的 Bloodstock,所以在芬兰他们被选为最佳20新艺人之一,同时入选的还有Beyonce,The Darkness和50 Cent. 03年10-12月乐队在吉他手Herman Li和制作人Karl Groom的个人工作室,坐落在伦敦西部的Thin Ice Studios录制了跨越旋律/速度/能量金属的新专辑《Sonic Firestorm》,19.4.2004出版。 .
Massive Attack 虽然成名于九十年代,但他们的历史可以追溯到1983年,从1987年正式成立到第一张专辑的问世就花了近3年的时间,他们的音乐创作一向以严肃而着称,但听觉上却并不拒人于千里;催眠般的音效、黑暗而性感、将hip-hop节奏、灵歌的旋律、dub和采样以一种电影剪辑的方式融合在一起,流派可以跨越 punk、reggae和R&B,这种自由的新兴的形式使他们迅速成为Bristol club中‘不可错过的事件’,而后Trip-Hop潮流中的领军乐队都曾受益于Massive Attack的启示。 为 “Danny The Dog”电影原声制作1年后,在今年3月底Massive attack官方宣布他们的精选大碟“Collected”。CD1收集了以往4张中的经典名曲。CD2收录了新曲“Live With Me” 和以前未发表的歌曲以及混音。“Collected”中还包含了新拍摄的音乐VIDEO。“Live With Me”邀请到了乡村爵士传奇Terry Callier为其献声,曲目制作单位依然由3D(Robert Del Naja)和担当过“Mezzanine”“100th Window”的制作人Neil Davidge共同来完成。 .
Forced are a doom metal band from New York, USA founded in 2011. They released their debut EP Accursed Share in 2012 on Bandcamp. Current line-up consists of vocalist Scott Brown also on guitar, Dave Friedrich on bass and Mike Hegarty on drums. .
Rising Force was the name of Yngwie Malmsteen's band in Sweden before he came to America. The members were: Yngwie (guitars), Marcel Jacob(bass; he later was on Yngwie's albums Marching Out and Inspiration), and Zepp Urgard(drums.) Back then, metal vocalists in Sweden were rare, so Yngwie and Marcel handled the vocal duties. They recorded one demo with this lineup in 1980 at Thunderload Studios. It was never released until 2002 when Marcel remastered and released the demo with the title Birth of the Sun. Shortly after this release Yngwie Malmsteen released his own remastered version of the demo with an...
A commercial artist, Deepforces is well known for his distinctive style and sound in his releases. The sound of his bass and synths in the tracks are trademark Deepforce style. His songs have a harder sound and style, but still fit into the commercial genre. A very talented artist, he already has numerous remixes to add to his own productions which include "Tribute To Dance", "Harder", and "Shokk E.P." .
找到了 177 歌曲, 持续时间: 16:07:55
Nocturnal Attack
Bang, Bang (Live Force Attack 2008)
Angel (Elite Force ReVamp 2012)
Tunnel Trance Force Vol.40 2007 CD1
Attack Force X
Massive Attack Force
Under Attack
Under Attack (Extended Mix)
Pluck Attack
The World Is Under Attack 1991
One Man Sonic Attack Force [CD Mix]
Alright Progressive Attack 8 (1998)
Gourilla (Attack Force)
MBF On Attack
Love Theme From Attack Of The Clones
Attack Force
Divine force
Attack (Extended Mix)
Preemptiv Attack
Attack Force X (Remix 2022)
Valhalla (Attack!! 2002)
Under Attack
Ship Of Fools (Attack!! 2002)
Massive Attack Force
Infected Force
Shark Attack
Massive attack Force
Massive Attack Force (public32115422)
Massive Attack
Chromatic Attack Force
Attack Force - Gourilla
Attack with Force
Peace By Force
The Last Force: Attack!
Razor Eater (Attack!! 2002)