(35-39Hz) Eminem - Without Me | zh

艾米纳姆,美国歌手。其风格类型为:Hardcore Rap(硬核说唱)。艾米纳姆最大的突破就是证明白人也能介入到黑人一统天下的说唱(RAP)界中,而且获得巨大的成功。同时他的叛逆不仅长期以来深受美国青少年喜爱,也让他在舆论中始终遭到抨击。 个人资料   艺 名:Eminem(阿姆)   本 名:Marshall Bruce Mathers III (马歇尔.布鲁斯.马泽斯三世)   昵 称:Slim Shady   别 名:痞子阿姆   鞋 码:10.5   生 日:1972年10月17日(星期二)   星 座:天秤座   家 庭:Debbie R. Mathers-Briggs(妈妈) Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr.(爸爸) Kimberley Anne Scott(前妻)   女 儿:Hailie Jade生于1995年12月25日   教 育:Lincoln High School,Warren,Michigan   身 高:1.77米 体 重:76 公斤   血 型:AB   出生地:美国 密苏里州的堪萨斯附近,8岁和母亲移居底特律 (Detroit, Michigan, U.S.)8英里路   擅长曲风:RAP,HIP-HOP   广告代言:NIKE帽衫,NIKE运动鞋(Encore两款),NIKE滑雪帽,给iPod做过广告   最喜欢的品牌:NIKE(耐克)   最喜欢的运动:篮球(水平非常高)   最喜欢的颜色:蓝色   喜爱的食物:牛肉   喜爱的快餐:汉堡王、麦当劳、温迪   喜爱的饮料:Mountain Dew   喜爱的电视剧:《南方公园》、《越狱》   喜爱的电影:《8英里》《How High》、《骇客帝国》和《Orange County》   不为人知道的秘密:完美主义者;自己理发;上台前会紧张;左撇子;为了扩大词汇量,曾每夜翻弄词典;曾在餐馆打工时,把歌词记录在发票上;对节奏很敏感,经常能跟着不同的节奏和编曲唱出即兴的歌,念出各种风格和调子的RAP;押韵能力超强,他的《My name is》和大量Freestyle都能体现他的押运能力,大致上都是两句一韵和一句两韵还有四句一韵。   偶像:Nas,Tupac Shakur ,marilyn manson   纹身图案:   左肩膀:蘑菇形状的骷髅,后面有着火的大厦。纪念已故叔叔“Ronnie Pilkington” (EM指出Ronnie是家庭中唯一关心他的人)   双前臂中间:“D”“12”意味“Dirty Dozen”在底特律组成乐队团 ,“D”和“12”左右各一个。   左腕:部落图腾   右前臂:“Hailie Jade”女儿名字   腹部肚脐:墓碑,上面是他前妻的名字,下的英文是“Rot in Pieces”   右腕里面:“Slit here”   右肩膀:女儿Hailie Jade的画像和玫瑰,下边有“Bonnie And Clyde”的字样,是为了遮住之前EM纹的那个“Eminem”的纹身。   左下臂:“Proof”字样的花纹纹身,因为一起玩到大的好伙伴Proof遭遇枪击被害,EM为了纪念好友纹上去的,图样与好友Proof右臂上的纹身一模一样。   首张专辑介绍:   阿姆的第一张专辑是《The Slim Shady LP》,Eminem真正的处女专辑是这张《Infinite》,早在阿姆被Dr.Dre签约发片以前,他已经依靠这张自己的地下专辑在底特率闯出了一点名号。今天回过头来听这张专辑,你依然会情不自禁地爆一句“Raw as”!   一般来说,一个艺人的第一张专辑常常是他最好的专辑——至少也是最好的之一。这张专辑通常能够反映艺人比较真实的一面,无论是技巧、题材、曲风和表现力,都因为没有受到唱片工业大染缸的浸泡而更纯更真,通常艺术造诣也会比较高。因此想看到一位艺人的真实功力,最好是去找他最初的那张专辑。   他是二十一世纪以来十年全球唱片销量最高的歌手...
Band form Greece Bass, Backing Vocals – Nikolas Sbyrakis Drum – Sotiris Tekos Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals, Written-By, Photography By, Design [Cover] – Spyros Anagnostou Lead Vocals, Lyrics By – Vassilis Salapatas Producer – N2W3* .
Somehow, against all odds a leafy quiet town in the north west of Holland has spawned an artist who’s passion for real house music, and determination in the studio has made him clearly stand out amongst his peers. Man Without A Clue – officially the only new house music artist to have collaborated with 3 of the true originators of the sound, legends; Todd Terry, Kenny Dope & Roger Sanchez, who’ve all welcomed him into the scene with open arms, naming him the number 1 producer to continue delivering the raw NYC house sound they pioneered. With releases on Defected,...
There are at least two artists called Without Warning 1. A progressive metal band from New York, United States 2. A rock band from California, United States 1. Without Warning was formed in Fredonia NY in 1990 by Steven Michael - drums, Vinnie Fontanetta - keyboards, Jack Bielata - vocals, Ted Burger - guitar, and Graham Thomson - bass. They released three albums internationally. The first, Making Time, was released on Zero Corp in Japan and achieved moderate success. It was produced by Eddie Kramer of Led Zepplin and Jimi Hendrix fame. The second album, Believe, developed a heavier, more...
Melodic Death Metal Band From Sweden (Falun)... Jonas Granvik - Vocals Tobias Ols - Guitar Daniel Thide - Guitar Björn Tauman - Bass Patrik Johansson - Drums Tobias Ols, Nicklas Lindh, and Ola Berg went on to play in the Death/Thrash band 21 Lucifers. Releases: Forever Closed (demo) 1995, Promo (only for labels) 1996, Deflower 1997, Absorbing The Ashes 1999 .
找到了 3 歌曲, 持续时间: 13:48
Without Me (Low Bass by Dan)
Without me [Low Bass By OFICER]
Without me (Low Bass by Monolitov)