DJ Pacifico vs DJ Panic b2b | zh

Panic! At The Disco这名字看来有点古怪。根据他们的解释,"Panic"一字是引自 加洲奥兰治县(The O.C.!!)乐队Name Taken中的一句歌词,以及The Smiths的同名 歌曲而作成的。虽然他们没有对At The Disco作任何注解,但是凭着这个字根,你 也可以想象他们的音乐类型了。 自十二岁开始便希望组band,结他手Ryan Ross终於也要等到同学Spencer Smith"乞求" 双亲购买的鼓具后,才能够开始组band。初时,他们跟很多美国青年一样,先是玩 Blink 182。不久,他们便觉得有点闷,便拉拢Brent Wilson(又是同学)作低音结他手 与及Brendon Urie作主音。PATD的阵容大致完成。之后的一段日子,也在Spencer的 家中进行练习及初步的录音。在Fall Out Boy的低音结他手Pete Wentz的livejournal ( 类似 Del.icio.us的多功能社区 )留过言后,Wents也得以听到他们的乐曲。Wentz 听过他们的数支曲目后表示很震惊,先是引进他们到Fueled by Ramen Records, 再到他自己成立的Decaydance Record。 还是高校学生的他们也没想到乐队可以这样平步青云。但是机会来了,没有理由不去把握吧。Brent和Spencer都以我们香港公开大学那样的方式去完成学位,而Brendon则刻苦地白天读书,夜晚练习。Ryan更加因为为了乐队而放弃学业,与家人的关系从此不能修补。於是,四子便收拾行装,移居到马里兰,在曾为Northstar、The Explosion、 Thrice监制的Matt Squire指导下,他们首张专辑《A Fever You Can't Sweat Out》终於在05年初,一呜惊人。 《A Fever...》售卖首周便能卖出超过一万只,以一队从未作过现场演出的乐队(真的!) 已算很不错。他们更於Billboard 200大碟榜中排112、Billboard独立排行榜中排第六。 这些都不太重要,他们更於年青乐队中地位甚重的purevolume中的"十队最佳已签约 乐队"中长期进占其中。还有,还有,在MySpace的独立乐队榜中排第一。单是这项殊荣, 足以受到所有网友及乐迷注目。 听罢他们的威水史,不如来看看他们是否另一个Hype? 从Intro的鼓机探索,我们就屏息以待。The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage(他们的歌名也与Fall Out Boy一样...很长)中Urie的唱腔一出,已告诉你他们的Disco-Punk底蕴。Camisado中也可以看到他们其实是可以很sing-slone的。Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off则是以典型加洲式emo玩法的灌入特有假音副歌。间奏Intermission就足以证明他们确是承先启后样样皆精,一边的快板钢琴、另一边则有如Dj Tiesto般跳脱。 其实整张专辑是分前半与后半的不同概念去灌录的。上半部是多用synthesizers及鼓机,带多点未来性。另一半则是怀旧性质较重,以官方网页的说法,是用了北美古钢琴作演奏! 多夸张!But It's Better If You Do中的钢琴带出70年代式音韵,先行单曲 I Write Sins Not Tragedies则带有古典气息的妖邪脉理。There's A Good Reason These Tables are Numbered Honey, You Just...
Houston, Texas. Began 1999 broke up 2001. Discography Red Book, 2000, Plethorazine Social Disease, 2001, Plethorazine .
The current three piece line-up of Just Panic was formed in the summer of 2005. Since then, they have spent their time relentlessly writing, rehearsing and gigging anywhere and everywhere. The result has been the crafting of a unique style of melodic punk rock. They play intense and exciting live shows which have attracted a growing fan base in the Liverpool area. With the release of their debut E.P 'Stand Up Straight in the Line of Fire' on New Home Records, they have crafted a string of tunes full of energy, wit and a genuine passion for the music that...
Panic Ensemble is a intriguing performance group from Israel bringing the highest artistic expression to a dialogue of music and poetry. Panic's music mixes rock with classical, cabaret and Jewish elements, where the audience enters a new world of magic and excitement, enchanted and moved by the beautiful and uplifting songs. For five years Panic Ensemble has been performing in many venues as varied as underground clubs and classical music series at the Tel Aviv Museum, and the Israel Festival . The release of their second album, 'A Different Story,' has been met with extremely positive responses from critics, with...
June Panic is an American singer-songwriter from Grand Forks, North Dakota. June, whose birth name is Jeremy Pruess though he legally changed it to June Preuss, first began performing and recording in 1990, and released his early material on cassette tape for the label 3 Out of 4 Records. His first CD was the initial release for the label Secretly Canadian; he released several full-length albums with the label. In 2007, he released a triple album containing 48 songs he had originally recorded on a four track and released between 1991 and 1996. Panic plays every instrument on his releases....
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Forest Sectarianism
Panic Mind (Live b2b Mix)
live set @ At Pussylounge At The Park 2014