Coyote Clean Up | zh

Brazilian Singer real name José Carlos Gonzales .
Don Mclean(唐.马克林)于1945年10月2日出生于美国纽约。60年代早期Don在纽约州的俱乐部中以灌制唱片开始了他的演艺生涯,大多数时间里,Don是一名游吟歌手。1970年他曾写了一首纪念梵高的音乐献辞。Don的首次亮相专辑TAPESTRY同年出版,但没能卖出去。艺术家联合会第二年和他签约并制作了American Pie的第一个增加版(Mulder注:即Extended Version),这首歌惊人地登上了英国排行榜第二,美国第一的位置。这首歌的同名专辑也获得成功。Don也由此被认为是最有天赋和最有商业价值的新生歌手。尽管开头不错,Don的演艺生涯在70年代中期却陷入了困境,好在他是一名具有强烈自我意识的歌手,1980年他凭借一曲Crying重登排行榜。之后,他的再版旧专辑也引起轰动,他个人也因此而进行大规模巡回演出。80年代以后,Don转向乡村音乐发展,不过仍处于流行音乐的主流。1991年,他那张已有20周岁的专辑 American Pie出乎意料的重返英国排行榜前20位,这无疑又掀起了人们对他早先作品的兴趣。 经典歌曲 1.American Pie》堪称一首史诗式的作品,纵观全球乐坛,能将一首长达8分34秒的歌曲唱得不仅不让人生厌,还让人们津津乐道并传颂几十年的现象可谓少之又少,而唐·麦克林和他的《American Pie》就做到了,如果作品里没有引人入胜的叙事性、没有内蕴幽远的深刻性,很难相信人们真会傻呆呆地将这么长的时间消耗在一首歌曲里。   《American Pie》是用音乐记录美国六十年代历史的一首史诗,没有春风得意的赞美,也没有针锋相对的批判,有的只是在轻快的民谣节奏中娓娓地道来——那里面有整整一个时代美国人所见、所思、所想,以及所经历的往事,而事实上正是这样不带主观评述的质朴歌声,最终打动了一代又一代的美国人,甚至是美国以外的人。   在《American Pie》里,你不仅可以通过歌词联想到Buddy Holly的《That’ll be the Day》, The Monotones的《The Book of Love》,以及The Byrds的《Eight Miles High》等等这些五六十年代的经典歌曲,你还可以从歌词中重温“在路上”的激情与浪漫,赤着脚在体育馆跳踢踏舞的愉悦,在“芝加哥七人案”的审判席上唱起源于哥萨克民歌的反战歌曲《Where Have All The Flowers Gone》的歌手朱蒂?科林斯,还有“小丑”般的Bob Dylan(鲍比·迪伦),“国王” 样的Elvis Presley(艾尔维斯·普莱斯利),“王后”Connie Francis(康妮·弗朗西丝),更有正熟读马克思经典的 John Lennon(约翰·列侬),因听了《Helter Skelter》而率领信众犯下杀人血案的Charles Manson(查尔斯·曼森),你同样可以跟着唐·麦克林的节奏追忆起1970年10月4日死于海洛因中毒的天才白人布鲁斯女歌手Janis Joplin(詹妮斯·乔普林), 1959年2月3日因飞机失事而不幸英年早逝的摇滚歌手Buddy Holly(巴迪·霍利),1969年在“滚石”的演唱会时被保安活活打死的18岁黑人歌迷。   最后,唐·麦克林唱道:“And the three men I admire most/The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost/They caught the last train for the coast/The day the music died/And they were singing” (我最钦仰的三人——圣父、圣子和圣灵,他们都搭乘末班车奔向了海岸,与他们一起,音乐随之而死,和着他们曾经唱过的……”,这也可以看作是他创作这首作品一个不可忽视的题旨,一种垮掉的信仰,一种无以自拨的绝望,这也正是当时美国一代青年的共性特征,就这样,一首歌很容易就打动了一代人。 2.另一经典之作,纪念梵高和他的精神。 Vincent文森特 .
The band, consisting of David Anthem (vocals), Paul Waggoner (guitar), Tommy Rogers (guitar), Will Goodyear (drums) and Marc Duncan (bass) formed in 1996, going through numerous member changes up until 1997. In 1999 they signed to Tribunal Records, releasing their first and by far most popular album, The Rain In Endless Fall. In 2000 the band broke up after an automobile accident which totaled their new touring van. The band performed two reunion shows, the first being on March 13, 2004 at the Tremont Music Hall in Charlotte, North Carolina infront of over one thousand fans from as far away...
Brendan Maclean is a Sydney, Australia based national radio announcer, actor and critically awarded songwriter. In 2007, Maclean won Australia's National Youth Week People's Choice award for his debut record "Airport People." He then went on to win the Australian National Youth Week Industry award for Writing in 2008. Brendan's debut EP, White Canvas was released on iTunes in March 2010. The video clip for the first single 'Practically Wasted' won Best Music Video in the Queensland New Film Awards and came in at 38 in the ABC Rage Top 50 for 2010. His follow up single "Cold and Happy"...
Coyote Oldman is a group of New Age musicians consisting of flute players Barry Stramp and Michael Graham Allen. The name Coyote Oldman is derived from the Trickster archetype in Native American mythology. Their music can be described as New Age electronica. The duo play Japanese and Indian flutes, Incan pan-pipes, ocarinas and Native American pipes, as well as contemporary instruments such as guitars and keyboards. Barry Stramp is a classical-trained concert flautist, while Michael Allen is a manufacturer of handmade flutes as well as being a musician. .
找到了 192 歌曲, 持续时间: 17:53:44
Mount Babe Bricks
Glow Deep (Dump Driving Dub)
Sun Smiles (Lite)
Mega Miss Out (Super Dub)
Gloomy Booty
Mount Babe Bricks
Grrrlfriend Plz (Acid)
Guess Who's New Skool?
Details Details Dub
Watermelon Shakedown
Free Coaster Crash (Glenn Jackson Remix)
Coyote Clean Up
Endless Luv (Coyote Clean Up Simple Dub)
no xxx 4 me
head shoulders knees and toes
Double Daze
Awesome Luv (320kbit)
Zebra Go Seek
You X Won't X Know
Escape From Carnage Cove
Double Damage
Slo Yo Roll
Importing Mosquitoes (Coyote Clean Up Dub)
Double Dip Dub
Awesome Luv
Free Coaster Crash
Sliver (Nirvana Cover)
(Unfortunate) Exxxtremities Dub W/ Jaws That Bite
/IA/ mix 010
I Do / Do U?
this house boat is making me sea sick
Sureshot (Lil Ol Dirty Dub) W/ Ryan Spencer + Abby