Benny Vasseur et son Orchestre | zh

“I don’t want to imitate anyone; I just want to do me. That’s why my key aim in my career is to be as successful as I can be.” – Benny Banks Growing up in Islington (North London) Benny Banks, was your typical teenager; in that he didn’t enjoy school and would much rather do other things with his time. One of these things was listening to music. It wasn’t until age twenty however, that his love of music really began to develop. It was after a night out with his friends that Benny Banks began to rap and his...
班尼固得曼与爱尔顿公爵和贝西伯爵 并列于顶尖超级乐团领导三巨额 被誉为摇摆乐之王的班尼固得曼 对于爵士乐有著划时代的影响力 固得曼出身于芝加哥 十二岁因为音乐比赛而受到瞩目 二十年代中期 在比莉哈乐黛的录音作品中吹奏竖笛 声名逐渐响亮 一九三八年他的乐团进入卡内基音乐厅表演 创下爵士乐手首次登堂的历史 班尼固得曼将SWING的元素BIG BAND加入爵士乐中 受到更普遍的认同 同时因为他的绝加的竖笛演奏 使竖笛跃升为独奏的地位 而他的高优质乐团水准也是很出名的 有严谨的选曲 编曲 整齐划一的制服和精确的演奏 让人层听不厌的作品 仿佛就置身在固得曼的摇摆世界中 .
Bennett Lester Carter (August 8, 1907 – July 12, 2003) was an American jazz alto saxophonist, trumpeter, composer, arranger, and bandleader. He was a major figure in jazz from the 1930s to the 1990s, and was recognised as such by other jazz musicians who called him King. As a youth, Carter lived in Harlem around the corner from Bubber Miley who was Duke Ellington's star trumpeter. Carter was inspired by Miley and bought a trumpet, but when he found he couldn't play like Miley he traded the trumpet in for a saxophone. Carter began playing professionally at 15. He first...
Alfred Hawthorn Hill (21 January 1924 – 20 April 1992), better known as Benny Hill, was a prolific English comic, actor & singer, best known for his television programme, The Benny Hill Show. Since its debut in 1969 his television show has been sold to over 140 countries worldwide, with viewership in the millions. The song "Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In the West)" is a bit autobiographical. Benny Hill had been a milkman in Eastleigh, Hampshire, working for Hanns Dairy whose premises was yards way from Market Street. There was a bakery near the dairy that did indeed have a...
Benny Mardones (born November 9, 1946) is an American pop singer and songwriter who is best known for his hit single "Into the Night," which hit the Top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart twice, in 1980 and again in 1989. The story behind "Into the Night" charting twice is this: In 1989, KZZP, a radio station in Arizona, ran a segment titled "Where Are They Now?" The most popular question was, 'Whatever happened to the guy who sang "Into The Night?"' Scott Shannon, then program director for Pirate Radio in Los Angeles, added "Into The Night" to its...