Kolja Goldstein, Celo Abdi | zh

You can lead a horse to water but generally you can’t make it mono up on its back legs and dance nobly against the brilliance of the setting sun. One man who can though is Sydney’s Lancelot. Starting out quite firmly behind a piano rather than a pair of CDJs, the man is a producer/maker/doer before all else. However, it was only ever a matter of time before the club-ready DNA took charge and young Lancelot found himself to be mixing two songs together at the same BPM to the liking of an adjacent dancefloor on a regular basis. Musical...
There are three bands called Barcelona: 1) a currently inactive indie/new wave/pop band from Arlington, Virginia 2) a Seattle-based alternative pop/rock band 3) frantic hardcore punk band from Barcelona, Spain. Debut LP Extremo Nihilismo en Barcelona out on LA VIDA ES UN MUS DISCOS : barcelona.bandcamp.com . The indie electronic band Barcelona (1998-2002): Barcelona was an indie/new wave/pop band from Arlington, Virginia consisting of Jason Korzen, Jennifer Carr, Ivan Ramiscal, and Christian Scanniello. The band addressed geeky themes in many of their songs, such as "The Downside of Computer Camp", "I Have the Password to Your Shell Account", and "Paging...
The SPACELORDS started in April 2008, when Marcus SCHNITZLER (drums, djembe, percussion, special effects) joined Matthias WETTSTEIN (guitars) and Klaus WERZ (bass) for a first session. Matthias and Klaus already had a few song-ideas and after a couple of weeks almost half of the first CD was arranged. As the ideas came so quick and the feeling was there from the first moment, it was clear: Even each of them had his own personal style and background, they had found a common sense in music. Marcus, who's traveling to west Africa since 1991, to study traditional rhythms, but is also...
Od pre nekoliko godina sve više naših glumaca pokazuje sklonost ka muzici i želju da se oprobaju i u toj sferi umetnosti. Bilo je tu svačega, ali - recimo da je većina pokušaja bila bar korektna, a mnogi glumci su zadavali “domaće zadatke” pravim, profesionalnim muzičarima. Prvenac Nikole Kolje Pejakovića “Mama, nemoj plakati” svakako spada u tu kategoriju. Da bi izbegao razne pokušaje klasifikovanja svoje muzike od strane inventivnih kritičara, sam Pejaković je smislio “pravac” - “pornosoul”. Prava reč. Da počnem od drugog dela ove kovanice: oseća se da su pesme - nastale iz duše. Ne znam da li je...
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