Carlton Alphonso | zh

Like so many other Los Angeles studio musicians, guitarist and composer Larry Carlton was faced with a choice a number of years back: whether to go solo and develop a name for himself under his own name or to continue the less risky, more lucrative existence as a session guitarist, making good money and recording with prominent musicians. Fortunately for fans of this eclectic guitarist, he chose the former, and has recorded under his own name for Warner Bros., MCA Records and GRP Records since 1978. Carlton's studio credits from the 1970s and early '80s include musicians and groups like...
钢琴玉女凡妮莎莺声初试专辑 一举成名(Vanessa Carlton Be Not Nobody) 空降Billboard流行专辑榜No.5一举成名大碟,坐在钢琴前的Vanessa Carlton/凡妮莎卡顿总是光芒四射,用她精湛的钢琴演奏技巧、动人的旋律以及引人入胜的歌词来传达情感丰富的音乐语言。 出生于名为Milford的宾州小,Vanessa Carlton在成长的过程中总是有音乐相伴,母亲是古典钢琴老师、父亲是Pink Floyd的头号歌迷,因此很早就广泛接触到从莫扎特到Pink Floyd、从Fleetwood Mac到PJ Harvey、从Neil Young到萧邦的各类音乐;在她终日辛勤的练琴之下展现了惊人的潜能和音乐天赋,8岁就完成生平的第一部作曲作品。 持续累积音乐创作的她,从17岁开始在纽约下曼哈顿的酒吧演出;她清新自然的歌声与创作受到音乐大厂Interscope的高层Jimmy Iovine的赏识,于是迅速获得一纸合约。历经一年的精心雕琢,在A&M唱片公司总裁Ron Fair亲自打造的首航专辑【Be Not Nobody/一举成名】中,Vanessa Carlton以她流行灵魂唱腔诠释从古典到经典摇滚的多元曲风,时而柔情似水、时而热情如火、时而朴实真诚。从洋溢华尔滋风情的-Ordinary Day-揭开序曲,Vanessa Carlton带领乐迷进行一趟游历异想境地的奇幻旅程;热情洋溢的首发单曲-A Thousand Miles-在Billboard流行、成人单曲榜双双攀升Top 5;而流行曲-Pretty Baby-、绝美交响乐烘托着的-Twilight-和强力节拍的硬式-Unsung-…在在展现Vanessa Carlton的不同风情,而她重新演Rolling Stones冠军名曲-Paint It Black-的声音表情,更让人惊艳不已。唤醒人类深层欲望、引起强烈情绪共鸣的【Be Not Nobody】更备受乐评肯定,滚石杂志将她列名为2002年最值得期待的十位艺人之一、称她为「流行版的Fiona Apple」、赞赏她纯熟严谨的钢琴弹奏技巧,并认为其音乐作品蕴含媲美Tori Amos的古典元素、丰富乐音及的和谐合声。酷爱音乐,每次都能从不同的音乐中找到不同感动的Vanessa Carlton,希望你也能够从她真挚的音乐作品中获得感动! 碟评: 一曲”A Thousand Miles”初登场即在美国单曲榜大放光芒,紧接着专辑“Be Not Nobody”又攻下流行榜Top5成绩,21岁的Vanessa Carlton无疑是今年最被看好的新进歌手之一,精湛琴艺和一手包办的创作加上大碟满溢的管弦乐风格,Vanessa的古典背景和横跨流行与摇滚曲风在众多创作派才女里自然能有所突显。而她出色的成绩也不免会被拿来和前辈Tori Amos、Fiona Apple比较,不过,Vanessa沉稳的嗓音及深度自然的音乐调性的确展露全面实力,“Be Not Nobody”扎实反映20初头女孩的心境,也许没有太多灰色遭遇而略显平凡,少了刻意侵略却如咀嚼一篇篇生活日记般高潮迭起,将触角伸展到不同层面。带有摇滚、成人另类流行特色的专辑着重弦乐编制的铺陈与Vanessa的钢琴,搭上Vanessa随着音符流泻的变化嗓音,让专辑深具戏剧律动,多少和Vanessa芭蕾舞背景相通。轰动美国电台的”A Thousand Miles”以讨喜的少女唱腔,搭配流畅的琴声及描述思念的心情,让Vanessa迅速获得共鸣,是专辑中较市场的作品;”Pretty Baby”以优美弦乐加上Vanessa极具感力的声音转换,将爱情的失落不舍唱到心底,值得细细聆听,颇有young adult少女情怀的诗意;带有辽阔气势的抒情曲”Paradise”在嗓音的掌握上表现出色,而最终的”Twilight”一样有着深刻悸动,仿佛像一场沉淀心灵的落幕尾曲。当然几首较具摇滚风格的作品则反映Vanessa的多元风貌,从重力摇滚的”Unsung”;前奏钢琴有Tori Amos出道时气氛的”Sway”则层次分明;鼓声敲击的”Prince”和声嘶力竭的”Wanted”,都可嗅出Vanessa的制作人将歌曲丰富的企图,在人声、钢琴、乐器编排上相互较劲。而”Rinse”则开发Vanessa演唱叙事意境的功力,声音的质量迷人;翻唱滚石合唱团的”Paint It Black”丝毫不带新人生涩,不羁地建立自己独特风味。Vanessa初试啼声的专辑在创作派女歌手世代交替之际,其演绎风格已占得一席之地,专辑的曲风完全撇弃泡泡糖一途,只是受制于音色和音域,或多或少施展有限,但从另一方面来看,她又能在声音里寻求变化切点,显得沉着生动。总体来说,这是一张紧凑、丰富的“音乐性”作品,Vanessa出色的琴艺及创作更是日后能否再上层楼的关键武器,她的下一次出发自然又让人期待了。 .
Carlton (Carlton McCarthy) is a British born singer/songwriter who lives in Bristol. He had a UK number 56 hit in 1991 with" Love and Pain "one of three singles spawned from his collaboration with "smith and mighty" taken from the album: "the call is strong" He also collaborated with Tim Simenon's Bomb the Bass and recorded 1 to 1 Religion in 1995. In 1997 "we vie" was covered by stakka bo from the album "the call is strong". In 2002 alison moyet recorded two songs written by carlton for her critically acclaimed album "hometime" "say it" and "did you ever...
There are at least 2 musicians by the name Carl Carlton. 1. American R&B, soul, and funk singer and songwriter from Detroit, Michigan, USA 2. German rock guitarist and songwriter from Irhove, Leer, Germany. 1. Carl Carlton (b. 1953) is an American R&B, soul, and funk singer and songwriter best known for his hits "Everlasting Love" and "She's a Bad Mama Jama (She's Built, She's Stacked)". Carlton, born in Detroit, Michigan, first began recording in the late 1960's as "Little Carl" Carlton, a likely marketing ploy to capitalize on some vocal similarities to established hitmaker Stevie Wonder, who also hails...
Finally, a psychedelic band that successfully crosses generations, appealing equally to old school bong-bubblers, kinky krautrockers and the new school of psychedelic stooges. Can-style jams, trance-inducing drones and Ummagumma-era Pink Floyd ambiance may be the foundation here but these improv jams easily break from the tether of their influences and soar righteously through the stratosphere. Freak out! The band CARLTON MELTON formed along the Mendocino County coastline in Northern California on the weekend of July 17th, 2008. The idea to play live, loud, improvised, experimental, instrumental, psychedelic music in a geodesic dome had been discussed for many years prior to...
找到了 6 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:42
I Have Changed
I Have Changed
I Have Chan
Get Lost vs. What's So Funny (Laughapella)
Belittle Me
Let The Music Play