Sebastian Morawietz | zh

Joan Sebastian (born in Juliantla, Guerrero, 8 April 1951 - 13 July 2015) is a popular Mexican singer and songwriter. He has composed hundreds of songs and been a regular staple on the top-40 charts in Mexico since his career began in 1977. His music is a mixture of Latin pop, ranchera and grupera music. His success is not only found in music but also in his short acting career when he became the main protagonist of a Mexican soap opera. In 1996 he made his acting debut in the Mexican soap opera Tú y Yo (You and I) sharing...
这个乐队取名于一个法国儿童电视系列剧,是说一个小男孩和他的狗是怎么互相珍爱的,可以说Belle & Sebastian也相当难能可贵,然而“难能可贵”可以是一个用来骂人的字眼,Belle & Sebastian却不具有这个字眼言外之意的那层贬义的意思——他们内向化却不孤立化,美丽却不懦弱,他们创作的旋律灿烂精致,听上去完整而统一。乐队在吉他手兼主唱Stuart Murdoch带领下,前后一共发行了7张唱片,并打造出一种类似于60年代流行乐以及民谣摇滚的亲密无间却又庄严宏伟的音乐,然而Murdoch的才华不仅仅体现在奇思怪想和超现实主义上,不安忧虑却充满情感的描绘更让歌曲无不反映出一种切实的现实感。 Belle & Sebastian成立于格拉斯哥的一个通宵咖啡屋里,在1996年1月。乐队的歌手兼创作者Stuart Murdoch与贝斯手Stuart David结识于一个政府培训项目,组成乐队后录制了一些小样,这些唱片给一个Jeepster的星探在参加Stow学院音乐项目管理课程时相中。这项课程由来自Associate的Alan Rankine开设,并每年由学院自己的品牌Electric Honey制作并发行一张唱片——通常是单曲碟。然而鉴于Belle & Sebastian早已有足够多的单曲可以录制一整张专辑,于是Belle & Sebastian的这张难懂的“Tigermilk”得以出世了,这张专辑的录制用了三天,只发行了一前张,而这当初的版本如今每张已被炒到了400英磅。 Belle & Sebastian接着在8月份与Jeepster签了合同,随后乐队在11月18日发行了“If You're Feeling Sinister”,这张唱片收到了带有批判性质的赞誉。同时,Belle & Sebastian参加了Tindersticks ICA的合作演出,随之又是11月初在Borderline举世瞩目的表演,这都让乐队首次体验到了现场表演的快乐。接着Belle & Sebastian开始着手计划用97年的夏季完成并发行一张单曲碟,这乐队的第一张EP“Dog On Wheels”发行于5月12日,这张唱片里包括了一些乐队早期的小样作品,完成与形成乐队阵容之前,其中还有“The State I Am In”的小样版本,这首单曲的专辑版本曾收录在“Tigermilk”的专辑中,Mark Radcliffe在其中有尽情的表演,而对于那些手头没有Belle & Sebastian那杰出的第一张专辑“Tigermilk”的歌迷们,这张EP便成为了他们的宠儿,这也让“Dog On Wheels”在单曲排行榜上窜升至第59的位置。 Belle & Sebastian的第二张单曲碟“Lazy Line Painter Jane”发行于7月28日,正好是著名的Union Chapel音乐演出在伦敦Islington开始的那一周。尽管教堂里音质相当糟糕,但乐队还是让前来观摩的歌迷们在教堂过道和座位上翩翩起舞。最主要的是这是Belle & Sebastian参加群体演出,也是大家难得的一次宗教体验。乐队的“Lazy Line Painter Jane”在单曲榜上冲破41的位置,正正好挤上40名,这也让键盘手Chris Geddes喜出望外,因为他事先和Jeepster的老板打赌说乐队挤不上这个位置。随后乐队又参加了在牛津和Colchester的South小型音乐巡演中的两场演出,并为首次登陆美国做好准备。 Belle & Sebastian的第二张专辑“If You're Feeling Sinister”由EMI旗下的The Enclave在北美地区于2月份发行,乐队还在9月份前去纽约参加了CMJ(College Music Journal)音乐节。接下来在Angel Oransanz Foundation Centre为The Arts——Greenwich Village的一个古老的教堂,参加举行了两场表演。当时演出的热情是如此热烈高涨,以至于一小块天花板都“加入”演出行列——Belle & Sebastian的演出差点把房子都演塌了。 Belle & Sebastian同时还被邀请去参加9月底在巴塞罗那的BAM音乐节,这次演出地点是在Plaza Del Rei的一个古老的庭院里,头顶着月光照耀、星光满步的天空,并伴着千万个怪兽滴水嘴的注目,Belle & Sebastian再次迷倒了歌迷。 单曲碟“3..6..9 Seconds Of Light”完成于夏季,在10月13日发行,而与此同时音乐媒体也突然发现了Belle & Sebastian的重要所在,Melody Maker和NME两大媒体同时把这张单曲碟命名为他们的本周最佳。尽管这张唱片电台播放率很低,但“3..6..9 Seconds Of Light”这次登上了单曲榜第32名,成为乐队第一张冲破40大关的唱片。 98年里Belle & Sebastian发行了“The Boy With The Arab Strap”,这张唱片成为乐队历史上至今最为重要的一张专辑,这张唱片一度登上了专辑榜第12名的位置,不过随后便消失得无影无踪了。与此同时乐队也一块消失了,不过有幸的是,乐队还是以一场欧美巡演再次回到乐迷的视野中。 Belle & Sebastian还赢得了The Brit奖的“最佳新人”,不过这还要“归功于”Dennis Waterman的不争气,他的“I Could Be...
Guy Sebastian is a successful Australian singer/songwriter whose recording career was launched spectacularly when he won the inaugural Australian Idol competition in November 2003. Since then Sebastian has released 5 studio albums which have been awarded 10 platinum & 1 gold accreditation for albums, and 8 platinum and 2 gold accreditations for singles. On his 5 albums, Sebastian has collaborated with many fine musicians/artists such as John Mayer, Steve Cropper, Robin Thicke, David Ryan Harris, Brian McKnight and most recently a duet with Jordin Sparks. Like it Like That Sebastian's 5th studio album was released on 23 October 2009. There...
Adele Sebastian joined the Pan Afrikaan Peoples Orchestra in the early 70s as a teenager. She played in the band until her death in 1983 of kidney failure at the age of 27. She rarely missed a rehearsal or performance. Remarkable since for a considerable length of time before her demise she had to go into a dialysis machine once a month to stay alive. She was an inspiration to everyone involved with her. .
找到了 39 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:59:02
Frozen Lights
Traeumerei by Schumann
Tranquil Breeze
Under A Million Stars
Once Upon a Time
A Precious Place
Opus #150918 ('Nocturne #1 in F#')
Eye Opener (The Last Rehearsal Mix)
Aria by Bach (The Last Rehearsal Mix)
Baton Of Faith
Drops Of Life
Close And So Far
Zwischenspiel II
Passage Of Time
Quiet Conversation
Quiet Conversation
Don't Fade Away (отрывок)
Zwischenspiel I
No Flowers On My Grave
My Lost Romance
Zwischenspiel I
Mission Of Honor
Will You Remember?