Aerials | en

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There are two bands by this name:

1) Aerials is an ambient alternative band from Gothenburg, Sweden.
Built on melodies and wide soundscapes, Aerials draws inspiration from many different places.

Aerials is built around the 24 year old swedish musician Christoffer Franzén. In the fall of 2011, he started to spend nights alone in the studio, learning about the different ways of recording and creating music.
With no one else there with him, he was forced to pick up all the different kinds of instruments that he felt he needed himself.
Songs started to emerge during these late night sessions, and Aerials started to take its form.


"I have often found myself hesitant to the opinion that the modern revoloution of home-recordings supposedly made the world of music that much better. Way too many seem to think that they are master-producers, simply because they have acces too a pre-amp and a computer. In reality, recording music is a trade that takes a long time too master. The man behind Aerials have obviously realised this and
really have been putting in the hours and working, working, working before he releases something, and when he finally does, it sounds absolutely amazing. Epic ambient singer/songwriter-pop with strings, synth-pads, shimmer and sweet vocals. Balanced and slick but never over the top. Well done!"

4/5 -Göteborgsposten (GP)

"This project started during a period when Christoffer suffered from insomnia, and instead of sleeping, chose to spend his nights recording music. During a 3 month period, Aerials have uploaded 5 songs so far. The result is very impressive and suceeds, through the amazingly beautiful and relaxed melodies and soundscape, along with intimate crescendo´s, with the telling of several stories throughout these songs."

520 Music-Blog

2) Aerials is a band from Brisbane, Australia .

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