Livsnekad | de

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The idea behind Livsnekad began to grow after some conversations by Ulf Nylin and Andreas Larsen in october of 2007. They both felt needed to express another, much gloomy and much more emotional side of music than they experienced in other musicial projects that they've had throughout the years. Soon after the idea was born the first track was recorded and that's how this journey starts. A homerecorded EP was released in november, "Köttets Och Sinnets Biografi" and we have recently made a deal with Katastrophy Records, who will release our first full length album; "Den sociala vanförheten", this autumn. Go and read the blog for more detailed information on this.

Livsnekad is a tool for expressing our lives, expressions, feelings and events that happen or have happened during our time living here in this rotten world. Instead of digging our own graves and circulate around these thoughts we choose to make something creative out of it and try to reflect life for what it really is. The purpose is to arouse a lot of different feelings to those who listens to our creation, not to attempt producing a pathetic suicidal culture! Life is shit but suicide is not the answer... Anyway, we hope that you somehow connect and recognize yourself in some tracks, and maybe draw a parallel to your own life-situation. Feel free to post a comment or send us an email, it's always appreciated!

2012 wechselte Livsnekad den Namen in Acacia.
Statement: "We feel that the name "Livsnekad" is no longer something that can be applied nor relates in any way to our music, lyrics or personalities." .

Alle Alben


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