Louis-Gabriel Guillemain | de

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Louis-Gabriel Guillemain, a French composer and violinist, was born on November 5, 1705 in Paris and died on October 1, 1770 in that capital city.

Raised by the Count de Rochechouart, Guillemain learned violin. To complete his studies of the violin, he went to Italy. He was a student of Giovanni Battista Somis and Jean-Marie Leclair, and held important posts at the royal court in Versailles.

In 1729 Guillemain became a violinist at the opera in Lyon and on March 29, 1734 was named first violinist at the Royal Academy in Dijon. He went on to Paris where he participated in a number of musical realms, composing a wide range of sonatas while continuing to play the violin.

In 1757 he married Catherine Langlais and in 1759 entered into the service of the king as violinist. His last compositions date from 1762. On his way to Versailles, he stabbed himself with a knife fourteen times and died.

Louis-Claude Daquin wrote in his Lettre sur les hommes célèbres (Letter about Famous Men) : "When one speaks of a man full of fire, genius and life, one has to think of Monsieur Guillemain, Ordinaire de la Musique du Roi (Musician by appointment to the King); he is perhaps the most extraordinary and adroit violinist one can hear play. There are no difficulties that can stump him and he can compose learned pieces which sometimes embarrass his rivals. Among the great Masters, this celebrated artist is one of the most productive. His works are full of touching beauty."

Principal compositions

* 1734 -- First book of sonatas for violin with basso continuo
* 1739 -- Six sonatas for two violins without basso continuo
* 1740 -- Six symphonies in the Italian trio style, Op. 6
* 1745 -- Harpsichord sonatas with violin, Op. 13
* 1748 -- La Cabale sur un livret de Saint- Foix, an episodic comedy, created January 11, 1749 at the Comédie-Italienne in Paris
* 1752 -- Symphonies in the new concerto style for musettes, vielles, flutes or oboes, Op. 16
* 1762 -- Amusement for solo violin (Op.18), accompanied by several airs by different composers and 12 caprices