Robin Foster | de

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A current flows through Robin Foster’s tracks, a mesmerising quality conjuring up images of passing landscapes, fast-paced city nights and smoky colours.
Hypnotic and hugely appealing, Foster’s intensely brooding instrumentals bring an intangible but undeniable tension, packed with lush cinematic textures, electronic loops, airy synths and all driven by waves of guitars.

Hints of Talk Talk, Mogwai, Sigur Ros, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Radiohead, New Order or even The Smiths can be noted as Foster’s music floats back and forth between subtlety and intensity in his debut album Life Is Elsewhere. Other influences include his passion for cinema, film directors such as Michael Mann (Heat, Miami Vice), Ridley Scott (Bladerunner), David Lynch, Sean Ellis (CashBack, The Broken), film score composer Ennio Morricone (For a few dollars more) amongst others are an inspiration to his cinematic post rock music.

Popular cultural references are suggested in some of Robin Foster’s track titles and in his album title Life Is Elsewhere referring to Milan Kundera, tracks such as DOWN (by law) refer to the 1986 Jim Jarmusch movie, D A D O E S (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) to the Philip K. Dick novel, BLUE LIGHTS AT DUSK to the way Michael Mann captures the light in his films, SAVE THE CHEERLEADER inspired by the US hit series HEROES, just to name a few.

The success of Robin Foster’s Life Is Elsewhere is evident in his impressive online following (Facebook, Myspace) crowds at live performances and more recently he has been providing soundtracks from his album for popular US shows One Tree Hill, HBO, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Criminal Minds, French TV shows and brands such as Barclays, ICU in Paris, Sundek… His close collaboration with Oscar nominated British writer/film director Sean Ellis has lead to soundtracks for prestigious global brand names including Hugo Boss and Kenneth Cole.

British composer songwriter and multi-instrumentist, Robin Foster recorded his second album in Brittany, France, where he lives and works. Entitled Where do we go from here?, the album, released November 18, 2011, features exciting collaborations with singer Dave Pen (BirdPen and Archive) and Ndidi O. .

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