Vordven | de

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Vordven was a symphonic Black Metal band founded by Matti Kaasalainen (guitars & synth) and Mika Packalen (guitars & vocals) in Huittinen, Finland in 1996. In 1997 the band released their demo 'When The Wind Blew For The First Time'. They followed this with the 'Promo 97', which contained two songs from the forthcoming album. In 1997 they got a recording deal with No Colours, and in 1999 they released the debut album 'Towards the Frozen Stream.' A few years went by and in 2001 Vordven released the MCD 'Woodland Passage.' Although never officially documented the band broke up shortly after this recording. In 2003 No Colours released a compilation called 'History,' which contained the demo, debut, and MCD on one disc, although omitting the song '...In Melancholy' from the MCD. Some members went on to play in bands like Luciferase, Faerghail, Uncreation's Dawn, and Scorngrain. .

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