JD Mayer | de

John Clayton Mayer (* 16. Oktober 1977 in Bridgeport, Connecticut) ist ein US-amerikanischer Songwriter. Seine Songs verbinden die Stilrichtungen Folk, Rock, Pop, Country und Blues. Mit 13 lernte Mayer die Musik von Stevie Ray Vaughan kennen, die ihn vom Blues begeisterte. Nach der Highschool fing er an, Musik am Berklee College of Music in Boston zu studieren, brach das Studium jedoch vorzeitig ab. Er erspielte sich in der lokalen Szene einen Namen und veröffentlichte 1999 sein erstes Album „Inside Wants Out“. Nach einiger Anerkennung in der lokalen Presse bekam er 2000 einen Plattenvertrag bei Aware/Columbia Records. Dort nahm er das...
This is a mistagged artist for Thomas/Mayer. .
Laurie Mayer is a composer, vocalist, pianist, recording artist. She and William Orbit began their music careers with the group Torch Song. They produced two albums, Wish Thing and Ecstasy. They had a dance chart hit, Prepare to Energize, in 1983. In the 90's they were joined by rock musician and producer Rico Conning and released the album Toward the Unknown Region. She has released a solo project this year, Black Lining, on the Theomorph label. The album was co-produced with Rico Conning and contains tracks mixed by William Orbit. One of her recent compositions with William Orbit, Purdy, was...
Nathaniel Mayer (February 10, 1944 – November 1, 2008) was an American rhythm and blues singer, who started his career in the early 1960s at Fortune Records in Detroit. "Nay Dog" or "Nate," as he was also known, had a raw, highly energetic vocal style and wild stage show. After a 35-year absence from music, in 2002 Mayer began recording and touring again, releasing albums with Fat Possum, Alive Records and Norton Records. Mayer started his career at Fortune Records, a Detroit record label owned by Jack and Devora Brown. There he became label-mates with fellow Fortune stars Nolan Strong...
German minimal techno artists Tobias Thomas and Michael Mayer. ("Stereolove," for some reason, is streaming at Thomas / Mayer.) .