Lise Westzynthius | de

Lisette Melendez is a Freestyle, Pop, R&B/Soul and Salsa singer born in 1967 in Spanish Harlem, NYC. She is best known for her 1991 hits "Together Forever" and "A Day In My Life (Without You)". With powerful and sultry vocals, these songs propelled her debut album Together Forever to gold status with over 700,000 copies sold. Both songs were such big dance music hits that they are credited as helping renew interest in Freestyle music in the early 90s, which had been fading in popularity due to the rise of mainstream pop music and grunge at the time. Melendez has...
Former members of I would set myself on fire for you and me and him call it us. .
Das Londoner Label Ninja Tune führt seit jeher ein dezentes Nischendasein und versorgt die Welt mit ganz außergewöhnlicher Musik. Dabei bewegt sich der Trademark-Sound (den es eigentlich gar nicht gibt - so innovativ sind die Londoner) zwischen den Genregrenzen von Jazz, Hip Hop, Electro und/oder Trip Hop und steht im Großen und Ganzen für eins: Ignoranz gegenüber Tellerrändern. Aus dem großen Künstlerpool des Labels von Matt Black und Jonathan More (Coldcut) sticht seit dem Ende der Neunziger Jahre ein Duo heraus, das die Ninja Tune'sche Extravaganz den oft engstirnigen Hip Hop-Heads näher bringt: The Herbaliser. Jake Wherry und Ollie Teeba...
Elise started singing as soon as she could talk. She learned to escape the turmoil of childhood by immersing herself in the art of songwriting. When things got bad, Elise could always be found in her bedroom... singing her heart out. Pain, happiness, betrayal, love and loss; Elise mines her real life for inspiration, finding it in everything from the joy her children bring her to the rollercoaster of emotions created by love, heartbreak, and hope. "I'm Yours Tonight" and "Just Around the Corner" came to life after collaborating with local musician/producer Tyler Ward, representing the tip of the iceberg...