The Blast Rocks!!! | de

Thom Jongkind and Idir Makhlaf, better known as producer/deejay duo Blasterjaxx in the music industry, are anything but the same. While one is often prominent and empowering, the other prefers staying quietly in the background - a fairly high contrast in character. However, there is one significant reason for the phenomenal connection between these two personalities: their passion and love of music. Mid 2010, Thom Jongkind - then operating by the name of Scalix - decided to set up a DJ duo named Blasterjaxx together with another producer at the time. Thom quickly noticed that huge steps were taken in...
The Blasters ist eine 1979 in Downey, Kalifornien, von den Brüdern Phil Alvin (Stimme und Gitarre) und Dave Alvin (Gitarre) mit dem Bassisten John Bazz und dem Schlagzeuger Bill Bateman gegründete Rockband. Die Saxophon-Legende Lee Allen hat die Bands bei zwei Alben unterstützt. Steve Berlin spielte Saxophon und Gene Taylor kamen kurzzeitig hinzu. Dave Alvin verließ die Band 1986 für eine von der Kritik gefeierte Solokarriere. Eines ihrer Lieder wurde im Film From Dusk Till Dawn verwendet (Dark Night). Dieser Song wurde bereits 1985 in einer Folge ("Schmutzige Hände") der Serie Miami Vice verwendet: Ricardo Tubbs spielte diesen auf einer...
This is FBW 3.0 3rd Generation. Basically I kept the old master tracks around outside of writing a slue of new songs. Sooner or later you get to hear new versions of older material. We are a very underground stealth type band.______ Straight up front!!!!Please keep in mind that FBW is not a Christian ,religious act or affiliated with any kind of church organization. The only reason why FBW was on a religious label at one time is because I thought I could trust them with royalties. But not anymore. My main focus at the time was to get on...