Franco Tozzi | de

Franco de Vita (* 23. Januar 1954 in Caracas) ist ein venezolanischer Pianist und Popsänger. Seine Eltern sind italienischer Abstammung. Er komponiert seine Songs selbst und schreibt auch Songs für andere Popgrössen wie Ricky Martin oder Enrique Iglesias (Sänger). De Vita ist zwar im deutschsprachigen Raum weniger bekannt, erfreut sich in Amerika aber ziemlich großer Beliebtheit. Vom dritten bis zum 13. Lebensjahr lebte er in Italien. Seine musikalischen Idole sind The Beatles und The Rolling Stones. Der ledige Franco de Vita lebt in Madrid und reist oft nach Venezuela in sein Herkunftsland. Im Februar 2008 trat er am internationalen Gesangsfestivals...
François Chaplin trained at the Paris Conservatoire (CNSM) with the Bulgarian pianist Ventsislav Yankoff and with Jacqueline Robin (accompaniment and chamber music), and was unanimously awarded first prizes for piano and chamber music. He then followed the advanced course with Jean-Claude Pennetier. In 1987, he won the International Piano Competition in Senigallia (Italy), and received in 1989 the Mozart and Robert Casadesus Prizes at the International Competition in Cleveland. Those distinctions are the start of a brilliant international career. His recording of Debussy’s complete piano works has been unanimously acclaimed by the international press and has reaped many awards (Diapason...
Gefunden 30 Lieder, Dauer: 02:02:25
Notte rosa
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Mi Manchi
Non a caso il destino (ci ha fatto incontrare)
Aspettando Anna
Io Camminero'
Non a caso il destino (ci ha fatto incontrare)
Non Si Puo Morire Dentro
I tuoi occhi verdi
08- Gli altri siamo noi (Live,1998)
I tuoi occhi verdi
06- Perdonala (Live,1998)
05- I tuoi occhi verdi(Live,1998)
Una Vita Insieme
11- Brava (Live,1998)
Io non posso crederti
14- Gloria (Live,1998)
13- Notte Rosa (Live,1998)
09- Il grido (Live,1998)
02- Stella Stai (Live,1998)
04- Ecco perché (Live,1998)
10- Io muoio di te(Live,1998)