Labvēlīgais Tips | de

San Francisco duo specialising in avant-garde kitsch, the music consists of modern beats blended with easy listening and lounge music of the 50s and 60s. One of the few bands to merge sound collage with exotica in an accessible way! Their first album, Trip Tease, was released in 1997 with their second, less experimental, album, Uh-Oh!, arriving in 2001. .
The Fingertips debut album in 2003 achieved first place on radio airplay charts with the single “Melancholic Ballad”. This was followed up with two more releases (2006 & 2007) which saw the band repeating their success with top radio airplay once again. The band has a loyal fan base and has supported Nelly Furtado, Queen, George Michael, The Corrs and others. In 2010 the band went on a search for a new vocalist and out of hundreds of candidates Joana Gomes was chosen giving the band a new voice and direction. “Simple Words” was the first recording by The Fingertips...
The Tips ist eine Reggae-Rock Band mit Ska, Dub, Soul und Punk Einflüssen. Im Jahre 2008 wurde die Band von Aljoscha Thaleikis (ehemals Gitarrist der Deutschpunkband Fahnenflucht) und Christian Heilwagen in Neuss gegründet. Nach einigen Akustik Konzerten und diversen Demo Aufnahmen, wurde nach langem suchen das Schlagzeug mit Janosch Holland als drittes Bandmitglied besetzt. Nach nur einiger Zeit im Proberaum und neuen Überlegungen in welche Richtung der Sound des Trios nun gehen sollte, wurden im Sommer 2009 schon die ersten Bühnen bespielt. Aufgrund der guten Resonanz beim Publikum begann die Band schon früh an den ersten Aufnahmen der The Tips...
Furtips are a shanbling, whimsical indie pop group from Arnhem, The Netherlands. They were founded by Herman Bunskoeke, who reputedly hoped they would be a hardcore band along the lines of Canada's No Means No. This didn't work out and Bunskoeke left after a year to concentrate on his other band Bettie Serveert and was replaced by lead vocalist/bass guitarist Royal Penguin Saver. Along with the rest of the band, guitarist Camille Courbois, vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Jane Pol, and percussionist Thom Vanderdoef, Royal Penguin Saver released the bands first album, Stand Back, Speak Normally, on Ajax records in 1995, to critical appreciation...