Square | de

2004 - Present. UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (ユニゾン・スクエア・ガーデン) is a three-piece Japanese rock band that formed in April 2004 and signed to TOY'S FACTORY label. Their early releases were electropop-based, but over time become a rock style. UNISON SQUARE GARDEN were previously signed to the indie record label UK PROJECT. On July 23rd 2008, they made their major debut with the re-release of their demo single "Sentimental Period". Members * Saito Kousuke (斎藤宏介): Vocal & Guitar * Tabuchi Tomoya (田淵智也): Vocal & Bass * Suzuki Takao (鈴木貴雄): Vocal & Drums Even though they are young, they already have a number of...
There are 4 bands with the name 'The Square' 1) The fusion instrumental music band from Japan. In 1976, They formed "THE SQUARE" led by Masahiro Ando. In 1978, they made their debut in album "LUCKY SUMMER LADY". They changed the band name to "T-SQUARE" which they used in the case of success in U.S.A. in 1989. In 2003, they celebrated the 25th anniversary of their debut and they regrouped for a limited time. 2) A band from Lincoln, Nebraska. The lead singer was Sean Beste, with James Valentine of Maroon 5 fame as the former guitarist. Their debut and...
Hailing from a small town on the Swedish west coast this four-piece called UNION SQUARE was originally formed in early 2000 by Sebastian and Patrick. Joined by childhood friend Joel UNION SQUARE started their march into a world of music, driven by determination, ambition and a genuine love for punkrock. UNION SQUARE always push them selves to bring out the best in every situation, no matter if it’s a live show or creating music. After six years of touring Sweden, recording various demos and promo cd’s Union Square parted ways with former drummer (Per Qvarnstrom, By Night) and hooked up...
True HipHop-Gruppe aus München. Square One ist eine deutsche Hip-Hop-Gruppe aus München, bestehend aus den Mitgliedern Rasul Allah, Iman sowie Edward Sizzerhand und MC Gianni. Anfang der 1990er Jahre lernten sich in München die beiden Perser Ali Rakhshandeh alias Rasul Allah und Iman Shahidi kennen. Wenige Monate später gründeten die beiden zusammen mit Freunden ihr erstes Studio. Später begann Rasul Allah dann das erste Mal über Imans Beats zu rappen. Das sollte jedoch nicht von Dauer sein, denn Ali verließ München und wanderte nach Amerika aus, kehrte allerdings ein Jahr später schon wieder nach München zurück, um mit Iman an...