Sonido Desconocido | de

Sonido Lasser Drakar is an electronic dance music duo from Mexico City which was created in 2001, and it's composed of Danette Newcomb and Emilio Acevedo. .
El Sonido: heavy liquid rock n roll from Santa Cruz El Sonido breathe and exhale the heavy psychedelic rock in true Santa Cruz fashion. Amidst homemade stacks of amps, these guys treat rock music as if it were sport, sweating, jumping, drooling, heavy stuff from the same breed as Holy Mountain's Mammatus and Residual Echoes - DELTAOFVENUS.ORG .
Gefunden 9 Lieder, Dauer: 37:08
VW Cumbia Sonido Desconocido II -
Sonido Bestial-Biberones De La Salsa - YouTube
Baby, You Don't Know
Dulce nostalgia - Amantes del Futuro Glitch Remix
Cumbia de la Cuesta del Ñero
cumbia de la cuesta del ñero
Suave brisa - Cero39 Remix