Herpes Distress | de

Formed in 2001 out of the ashes of INDK, American Distress plays hardcore punk. Former Choking Victim and INDK drummer Skwert started this group with INDK lead guitarist Paul. Bassist Matt and singer Rich recorded the powerfully heavy, yet catchy, self titled 4 song demo released the same year. The group immediately set out to tour the U.S. and be a live band, something INDK never got to do. After many successful road trips and live shows, the band started to work on their full length LP with engineer Jesse Cannon. After the music was laid down, Matt left the...
HERPES was started in the summer of 2006 by Florian Pühs and Gabor Gold. Both had been living in Berlin for a while, facing a heavy need for musical output in the inspirational meltin pod of europes new music scene. First of starting as a two man Deutschpunk band, with the addition of keyboardist Anna Hjalmarsson, drummer Christoph Neudeutsch and Bassist Philipp Schreiner the band tried to find a way combining classical 80´s wave with modern elektronik music and their experiences within the Berlin techno scene. The result showed on there first two releases (Tod eines Disco Tänzers e.p. and...