Cuisillos De Arturo Macias | de

1) Arturo were a late 90's indie band fronted by Finn Vine of White Rose Movement They released two mildly succesful singles ''Flow' & 'Former'. The latter welcomed considerable airplay on Steve Lamacq's BBC Radio 1 show 'The Evening Session' in 1999. 2) Arturo is a Punk Hardcore band from Turin, Italy. They formed in 1993 and have got a good success inside the Italian Hardcore Punk stream with 5 albums and many live performances all around italy and some border states. .
Arturo Toscanini (* 25. März 1867 in Parma; † 16. Januar 1957 in New York) war ein italienischer Dirigent und gilt allgemein als einer der bedeutendsten Orchesterleiter seiner Zeit. Nach einem Cellostudium beschloss Toscanini 1885, Dirigent zu werden. Erste Erfahrungen als Dirigent machte er 1886 während einer Brasilientournee. 1895 erhielt er eine Anstellung in Turin. Als knapp 29-Jähriger durfte er dort am 1. Februar 1896 wegen seines Einsatzes für das Werk die Uraufführung der Oper La Bohème von Giacomo Puccini dirigieren, obwohl er ursprünglich nur an dritter Stelle für das Dirigat vorgesehen war. 1898 ging Toscanini an die Mailänder Scala....
Arturo Meza is a mexican poet, musician and writer . Born in Tocumbo, Michoacan, Mexico; December 15th 1956. He's a well known composer, musician, multi instrumentalist, singer, poet and independent writer. Prolific artist, creator of a wide work in art and inventor of musical instruments (such as mezáfono, teclaedro, oglio and yeloguerlizet). He is very well known in the local mexican rock scene; as well as in the folk, social related music scene. The base of his musical work is folk music (as in folk-rock): songs with a severe instrumentation of voice, guitar and eventually harmonica. He has also embraced...
The mastermind behind the sublime Italian cosmic rock group Pierrot Lunaire. .