Leopold Simoneau | de

Leopoldo Rassier was a brazilian gaúcho composer from Rio Grande do Sul. .
Leopoldo Federico (* 12. Januar 1927 in Buenos Aires) ist ein argentinischer Bandoneonist und Tangokomponist. Federico hatte Unterricht bei Felix Lipesker, Carlos Marcucci und später Francisco Requena. 1944 wirkte er an Plattenaufnahmen des Orchesters von Juan Carlos Cobián mit. Kurze Zeit spielte er in den Orchestern Alfredo Gobbis und Victor D'Amarios, bevor er 1946 Mitglied von Osmar Madernas Orchester wurde. Im Folgejahr trat er dem Orchester bei, das Alberto Marino unter Leitung von Emilio Balcarce gegründet hatte. Daneben arbeitete er mit Mariano Mores und Héctor Stamponi, später auch mit Carlos Di Sarli, Osvaldo Manzi, Lucio Demare und Horacio Salgán zusammen....
Leopold Hofmann (also Ludwig Hoffman, Leopold Hoffman, Leopold Hoffmann) (1738–1793) was an Austrian composer of classical music. Hofmann was born on 14th August 1738, the son of a highly-educated civil servant, and at the age of seven became a chorister in the chapel of the Empress Elisabeth Christine, where his choral director and teacher was very likely František Tůma. He was also a student later on of Georg Christoph Wagenseil. His studies included at various points violin, harpsichord and composition. In 1758 Hofmann secured what may have been his first appointment, as "musicus" at St Michael's. He is known to...
Gefunden 5 Lieder, Dauer: 26:34
Mozart: Don Giovanni - Dalla sua pace
Mozart: Cosi fan tutte - Un'aura amorosa
Mozart: Don Giovanni - Il mio tesoro intanto
Mozart: Concert aria - Per pieta, non ricercate
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta - Fuor del mar