Priscilla Herdman | de

There are several artists known as Priscilla. 1) A French singer 2) An American glam metal band from Cleveland, Ohio. 3) An Italian noise band 4) A Eurobeat vocalist 1) Préscillia Samantha Cynthia Betti, known by the stage name Priscilla or Prissou, is a French singer. Priscilla was born on August 2, 1989 in La Trinité near Nice, France. She was 11 years old when the show "Les drôles de petits champions" aired, and was discovered by the producer Patrick Debord (MGM). She signed with Jive records, the same record house as her idol, Britney Spears and later that year...
Jenny Drag (singing), Guri Go-Go (axe), Kate Kannibal (the bass), Hege Hotpants (the drums) have released two singles (Gonna Rip Up Your Photograph/Brain Surgeon and All My Friends Are Zombies) and one mini album on CD (Aloha From Holloway) on Damaged Goods (Holly Golightly, The Headcoatees, The Manic Street Preachers, The Buzzcocks, and Billy Childish). The two sell-out singles were played on Radio 1, BBC 6Music, Xfm, and WFMU. The girls have also played sessions for Marc Riley on BBC 6Music, have been interviewed on 6Music's breakfast show twice, plus sessions for Resonance FM, and WFMU in New York. The...
Priscilla Ahn, geboren 1984 in Georgia, verzichtete auf ein Studium, um sich aufgrund eines Rates ihres Musiklehrers der Singer-Songwriter-Karriere zu widmen. Nachdem sie nach Los Angeles gezogen war, tourte sie mit Joshua Radin und Meiko durch Amerika. Einen besonderen Bekanntheitsgrad erlangte sie mit ihrem Lied "Dream" , das im Soundtrack der Filme "Disturbia" und "Bride Wars" zu hören ist. .
As a pop-music singer/songwriter whose styles unite like a teen’s iPod on shuffle, Priscilla Renea is a true product of the Internet Generation. Having already showcased her musical talents to over a million viewers from the comforts of home, she has been self-promoting her musical craft on YouTube for a little over a year. Since then, Priscilla’s songs have had over 1.6 million views, over 30,000 channel subscribers and scores of imitators. Now signed to Power/Capitol Records, fans can finally experience this YouTube-sensation beyond the webcam with the release of her debut EP Hello My Apple (released March 31). A...
Priscilla Angelique is a London based British singer songwriter, music producer and academic. Influenced by jazz music and early hip hop culture she developed her style as a scat singer giving her a jazzy vocal and soulful vibe. She produces Soulful House, UK Garage and Nu Jazz among other styles of dance music. Her Soulful house single Aftershock showcases her vocals and Latin dance vibes can be heard in her single You Don't Seem to Know. Her debut album Positive Digital is heavily jazz influenced and saturated with electro house beats and tech synths. It has been compared to the...
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Moon Upon the Left
A Fairy Went A-Marketing (Rose Fyleman)