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Rage Against the Machine (kurz: RATM) ist eine Band aus Los Angeles, Kalifornien. Sie wurde 1991 von Zack de la Rocha (Gesang), Tom Morello (Gitarre), Tim Commerford (Bass) und Brad Wilk (Schlagzeug) gegründet. Die Texte des Frontmanns de La Rocha handeln von politischen, sozialen, aber auch persönlichen Problemen, die die Band in einem Crossover-Mix aus Metal, Hip-Hop, Punk, Funk und Alternative Rock ausdrückt. Zack de la Rocha und Tim Commerford waren gut mit den Mitgliedern einer Band namens Revolta befreundet, während Morello mit seiner Mutter in Illinois lebte und dort in einer Garagenband, die er mit dem späteren Tool-Gitarristen Adam...
Rise Against ist eine Punk / Melodic Hardcore Band aus Chicago, Illinois, USA. Die Gruppe ist bekannt für ihr politisches Engagement; viele Lieder haben weltanschauliche Themen zum Inhalt. Insbesondere Tierrechte sind der Band wichtig: Alle Mitglieder sind Vegetarier und unterstützen die Organisation Peta. Gegründet 1999 trat die Band ursprünglich unter dem Namen Transistor Revolt auf. Im Jahr 2000 veröffentlichten sie eine selbst produzierte Demoaufnahme die ebenfalls den Namen Transistor Revolt trug. Ein Jahr später unterschrieben sie dann bei Fat Wreck Chords, um dort ihre ersten beiden Alben Unraveling (2001) und Revolutions Per Minute (2003) zu veröffentlichen. Später wechselten sie zu...
Against the Current are a pop-punk band that formed in Poughkeepsie, New York in 2011. Led by singer Chrissy Costanza, guitarist/singer Dan Gow, and drummer Will Ferri, they initially built up a large following on YouTube covering songs like Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen's "Good Time" and Kelly Clarkson's "Catch My Breath." Their own debut single, "Thinking," arrived in July 2012, followed a year later by "Closer, Faster," the latter of which also appeared on their debut EP Infinity in 2014. Powered by catchy, upbeat melodies and Costanza's strong voice, Against the Current's sound fell more on the pop...
Living up to the title of their newest record, Against the Grain have proven themselves to be true warriors of the road. Blazing through the US with their brand of gear-shifting balls-to-the-wall music that incorporates all things heavy - ATG defies categorization as they seamlessly blur the lines of punk, rock,doom and thrash. With the release of their first self-titled full-length in 2009, ATG was an immediate hit - garnering an intensive local fanbase playing 50 shows throughout Michigan. With their intense live show and energized fanbase they were introduced to touring life by Hellmouth and The Meatmen, and began...
Race Against time (UK) was a Nottingham-based NWOBHM band of late David G. Halliday, later known as the frontman of the band Hell. Some of Race Against Time material was used later in Hell. A demo was released in 1980 and there are several other songs yet unreleased. Vocals and Guitars: David Halliday (R.I.P. 1987) Bass: Al Short Drums: Geoff Green Race Against Time (TX) bio: Race Against Time started in the spring of 2002 with Josh from ROI moving back to Houston and feeling the need to thrash. He recruited Dave from PLF on guitar and Ben the original...
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