Evergreen | es

There are 10 artists sharing this page: 1) Evergreen is an emo band out of the bay area from the early 1990s. 2) Evergreen was an early 90s post-hardcore band formed in Louisville, Kentucky. 3) Evergreen is an Irish and celtic music group from Israel. 4) Evergreen is a Progressive metal/rock band from Kerala, India. They released their debut album "Between and Beyond" in February 2008. 5) A jangle, indie-pop 5-piece band from Derby, United Kingdom, that later became Antiseptic Beauty 6) Co-owner of Leeds dubstep label Ranking Records. 7) A five-piece rock / indie / pop band from Woodbury,...
Tulsa, Oklahoma was an old oil money town with lots of green trees, rednecks, country music and classic rock. It was a fairly boring place to live as a kid, and left Caleb Pate nothing to do but lose himself in nature, skateboarding and, luckily, learning about music until he moved to Sacramento in his teens. Meanwhile, on a journey that took in over 30 destinations from the Arizonan deserts, to the Washington rainforest and Oregon coastline, the nomadic Nephi Evans was fast closing on the key destination of California; where, out of a chance meeting on a rafting trip...
Banda Húngara de Doom/Gothic Metal, cuyas letras suelen abordar el amor y el romance oscuro. Surge en Szeged/Subotica, Hungría en 1994. Hammer Records. Los miembros actuales son: Slobodan "Bob" Macura - Bass, Vocals (Verhof, Colt, Buddha!, Green Division) Vejin Miroslav - Guitar Miklos Matlary - Keyboards (Octopus, Aragon (Hun), Ámok, Kreaton) Kovacs Tamas - Drums Los miembros anteriores han sido: Guitars: Ruszity Vladimir (Q-Ratz, Ámok, Kreaton) Glaug Ivan Dula Sanci Drums: Balazs Sipos Endre Szabo Gajda Ferenc Zsolt Regdon La banda se separó después del álbum New Religion, pero se reunió en 2007. Aunquemla banda está más activa en Hungría,...
Evergreen Terrace es un banda de metalcore originada en 1999 en Jacksonville, Florida. Su sonido se destaca por sus primeras voces gritadas y sus segundas voces limpias, y por los riffs melodicos del punk. Sus miembros actuales son: Andrew Carey - voces; Craig Chaney - guitarra, voces; Joshua James - guitarra, segundas voces; Jason Southwell - bajo, segundas voces; y Kyle "Butters" Mims - batería. El nombre de la banda hace referencia a la calle ficticia donde viven Los Simpsons. Su último álbum se titula Wolfbiker, es su sexta producción full-length, y la primera con Metal Blade Records[label/]. .
We Were Evergreen are a Parisian alternative indie-electro-pop trio formed in 2008. The band are currently based in the UK. Their shape-shifting pop songs blend folk melodies, electro beats and exotic rhythms. The next single, “Baby Blue”, is due to be released on 4 June. Michael Liot – vocals, ukulele, guitar, banjo, trumpet Fabienne Débarre – vocals, keyboards, xylophone, glockenspiel, marimba, harmonica William Serfass – vocals, percussions, rhythm loop, bass, electric guitar .