Golden Section | es

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Golden Section are a four-piece band from Chichester. The band have been steadily building a name for themselves since forming after they finished college a few years ago. With the release of their debut album "Attack Decay Sustain Release" , their reputation is cemented as one of the hottest young acts to emerge from the South Coast this year.

Combining brooding rock with delicious pop, angry lyrics with the best kind of dance-synth lifted straight from the 80s, and solid work ethic with good old-fashioned indie attitude, the boys have received plenty of praise for their work. Golden Section comprises jeweller Dan Roe, the man behind the lyrics, the vocals and the plentiful synths and keys; music student Adam Macaulay on guitar; computer programmer Pete Matheson on percussion; and Masters student Matt Evis on bass.

Since the first time they played together, at a friend's house party in the summer of 2003 - the incident that led to the formation of the band - Golden Section have enjoyed a number of fantastic gigs, including playing alongside Scouting For Girls, Nine Black Alps, indie darlings The Strange Death Of Liberal England, and local acts Brakes, Sallyforth, Joey Nightmare and Retrofect, among others.

Praise for the band and their new album has come from all four corners of the globe. "...We can definitely expect to hear a lot more from these Golden boys in months to come," said New Zealand's Tearaway Magazine in January." If every band has an CD that comes out and leaves listeners gasping for breath... thinking 'Why haven't I heard of these guys sooner?'... then this is The One for Golden Section... fantastically catchy and attention-grabbing. A guaranteed winner." Say of their new CD. Their music has also been featured on The Unsigned Session on Portsmouth's 93.7 Express FM and also Brighton's Juice FM Damo & Ace show. Having played to packed audiences in recent weeks, and basking in well-deserved praise from fans both across the south coast and from afar, there is no doubt that the star of Golden Section is fast on the rise.

'Fantastically catchy and attention-grabbing' - Pow Pow Pow Magazine

'Pure electro-pop chivalry!' - God Is In The TV Webzine .

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