coastal car | es

Coastal Cities son una banda de Buckinghamshire que se formó en el verano de 2009, después de un breve encuentro en la escuela, Declan Cullen (guitarra / voz), Sean Semmens (Guitarra) y Lewis Slade (Batería) comenzaron a practicar juntos. Con el tiempo encontraron a Dan Hardy (bajo) y William Clark (teclas / sintetizadores) y empezaron hacer música que era diferente a la de la zona, centrándose en un ambiente más optimista y vibrante en comparación con la escena post-punk / hardcore en el que fueron rodeados. En abril de 2011 la banda lanzó su EP "Trangression" que ya está disponible....
1.) Coastal's music borders on reverent. restraint and simplicity are key to the overall sound. Smooth basslines, wispy drum movements, melodic, delayed guitar work, a delicate vocal presence, and subdued organ keys all combine to make the music flow with a relaxed simplicity that is truly beautiful. Coastal is the hybrid of several musicians who have played out for years in their respective bands, yet have never really made the music they wanted to. Jason Gough has been involved in shoegaze style bands for several years (Lumiere, The Mantarays, Azure) and it was through such bands that he met up...
Encontró 63 canciones, duración: 03:04:53
Lying on the Beach
lying on the beach
a god's life
sunshine girl
best friends
quiet at your touch
senior year
sleep paralysis
peach faygeaux rmx
under the moon
love (in d major)
everybody loves ya
(thumb piano)
flowing through
cold streak
fall apart
in my sleep
driving round campus
on the horizon
whatever you want
chitter chatter (words)
(something i can never have)
ember in the ash
(hot knives)
fade out
one of those nights
light in my window
Quiet at your touch
now i know the score
again and again
get right