Milos | es

Born in Montenegro in 1983 and a multiple prize-winner, Miloš Karadaglić has established himself as one of today’s most gifted young guitar virtuosos. In July 2010 he signed an exclusive recording contract with Deutsche Grammophon, and his first recording will be released in spring 2011. Growing up during the time of the Balkan civil war, Miloš began playing the guitar at the age of 8 and very quickly won national recognition for his performances. At 16 he was awarded a scholarship to study at the Royal Academy of Music where, after graduating with First Class Honours, he went on to...
Mike Milosh (Toronto, Canada), pop electrónico, lleno de melodía y dulces voces. Mike Milosh posee una forma muy particular de entender la música a base de jingles y sonidos raros que más que molestar suelen engrandecer cualquier cosa que circula por su mente. Todos sus discos intentan sonar cálidos y dulces con una funda de terciopelo. Su primer disco You make me feel se antojaba como el mejor antídoto para los malos tiempos que corren. Tal y como se pone de manifiesto en el título del disco, el objetivo de este álbum es hacerte sentir. El mismo confesó que hace...
Boki Milošević (Prokuplje, 31 December 1931 — 15 April 2018) was a Serbian clarinetist and composer of folk music. Božidar "Boki" Milošević was a member of Ansambl Bokija Miloševića and Ansambl Dušana Radetića. He died in April 2018. Божидар Боки Милошевић (Прокупље, 31. децембар 1931) је познати српски кларинетиста, магистар музике. Био је шеф оркестра Радиотелевизије Београд, професор музичке школе „Јосип Славенски“, члан и солиста Београдске филхармоније. Музиком професионално почиње да се бави од 1950. године када заслугом Властимира Павловића Царевца почиње да свира у оркестру Радио Београда. Три пута се женио. Има четворо деце. Син Милан је диригент и...
Encontró 146 canciones, duración: 13:03:13
Julka band feat. Olah band - Cardas mix ( covers )
Phonk Fighter II (Slowed)
Busha (Speed Up)
Phonk Fighter II
Busha (Slowed)
Танцуешь со мной
Кайф это ты
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A Simple Hello (Original Mix)
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Down With U
Jungle of Mirror
Pump It Up Loud
U got that (Flex)
Ricardo Milos
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