Skins De France | es

Un sonido totalmente limpio e impecable que encaja (aunque no es de mi agrado clasificar la música) en las notas del indie rock y del indie - pop. The King of France, una banda relativamente nueva nacida en el ambiente urbano y saturado neoyorkino, nos estremece con temas tan espectaculares y a la vez (increíblemente) originales en su album casi perfecto The King of France. .
Coming from Caernarfon, Wales Masters in France write and perform in both English and Welsh, so if you haven't quite grasped the beautiful Welsh language, be prepared to get your head around titles like Yn y Ddinas. With "lap dance from an O.A.P" listed as one of their achievements, maybe they've peaked too early. They do however have some seriously heavy rock n roll riffs behind them. Keep up to date with the band at their website .
Frances White is a composer working primarily in the medium of music for instruments and tape. Her more recent works include Resonant Landscape (1990), an interactive computer-music installation which was presented for two weeks in 1990 at the Kelvingrove Art Galleries in Glasgow, Trees (1991) for strings and tape, Nocturne (1992), a tape piece commissioned by the Groupe de musique experimentale de Bourges, and Winter Aconites (1993) for six instruments and tape, a commission by The ASCAP Foundation in memory of John Cage. Ms. White lives in Princeton, New Jersey, with her husband, writer James Pritchett, their two cats, and...