Blunt | es

James Blunt, cuyo nombre real es James Hillier Blount nació el 22 de febrero de 1974, es un músico británico cuyo álbum, "Back to Bedlam" (de regreso a Bedlam, donde Bedlam era un antiguo manicomio de Londres), y más concretamente el primer sencillo del mismo: "You're Beautiful" (Eres Preciosa), le dieron fama en 2005. Su estilo es una mezcla de jazz y soul del norte. Creció en el seno de una familia de tradición militar, y se educó en el Colegio Elstree (donde recibió su apodo ‘Blunty’), en la Universidad de Bristol y finalmente, en la Real Academia Militar de...
There are at least 9 bands known as Blunt: 1) A techno / minimal producer. Also known as Tony Blunt. 2) A danish heavy reggae group. 3) An underground UK rapper. 4) A Belgian folk group. 5) A crustcore band from Spain (checkout Blünt). 6) A 90's Alt-Rock band from Houston. 7) An Alternative/Reggae/Indie band from Cali, Colombia. 8) A rap artist from Abuja,Nigeria. 9) A Street Punk from the UK ============== 1) Blunt is a techno / minimal producer. Also known as Tony Blunt. 2) Blunt is a danish heavy reggae group, is a 5 piece band, formed in...
Blunt Mechanic is the current project of Ben Barnett, formerly of Kind of Like Spitting. .
Blunt Instrument are a live glitch hop duo based in Brisbane, Australia. Using a combination of beats, breaks, leads, samples and turntablism to create a multi-layered live sound. Their production is influenced pretty heavily by guys like Tipper, Bassnectar and the more recent glitch hoppers, as well as traditional samplers like anyone from Ninja Tune.... Punk band from London, UK. Active from 1977-1978. Released one single No Excuse / Interrogation on Diesel Records in 1978. .