The Phantom Surfers Davie Allan | es

Raymond Douglas Davies es un importante músico inglés, mejor conocido como el cantautor de The Kinks en donde tocaba con su hermano menor Dave Davies. También ha actuado, dirigido y producido shows para la pantalla chica. Ray Davies nació en el norte de Londres el 21 de junio de 1944, es el séptimo de ocho hijos, habiendo nacido después de 6 hermanas mayores y con su hermano menor. Se ha casado tres veces y tiene cinco hijas - Louisa, Victoria, Natalie, Rae y Eva. Ray estudiaba música en el Hornsey College of Art de Londres en 1962 y 1963, cuando...
Christopher Gallant (nacido el 14 de noviembre de 1991), mejor conocido como Gallant, es un cantante y compositor estadounidense de Columbia, Maryland. Él mismo lanzó su EP debut, Zebra en 2014. Su primer álbum de estudio, Ology, se estrenó en todo el mundo en abril de 2016 y recibió la aclamación de la crítica por su destreza vocal y composición. .
Gary Allan Herzberg (born December 5, 1967) is an American country music artist, known professionally as Gary Allan. Allan was born and raised in La Mirada, California, to Harley and Mary Herzberg. To ensure that the family would focus on music, Allan's mother insisted that the family's guitars would always remain visible in the home. At age thirteen, Allan began playing in honky tonks with his father. Two years later, he was offered his first recording contract, from A&M Records, but rejected the deal. His parents wanted him to finish his education and his father felt that Allan had yet...
Gudibrallan (which in English means God In Your Pants) were formed by a group of students in Uppsala Sweden, in 1968. These guys were punks before punk existed. Their had an anarchic approach to both their music and lyrics, having a go at everyone from God to Mao. Although musically they have something in common with contemporaries Träd, Gräs och Stenar, their sound is far looser and has more in common with the DIY Punk bands of the late 1970s than their more folk or prog rock-inclined Swedish contemporaries. They were the first signing to the Swedish label Silence -...
- buy and listen to the new album here - http:// Formed in 1982, the Kalahari Surfers was essentially a string of studio projects realised by Warrick Sony at Shifty Studios during the 80's. These involved various personel from that environment whose names were altered or simply reduced to first names to safeguard against security dirty tricks persecution.The band itself was a fictional collective designed to dodge any flak that may have appeared from these forces. The first release was inspired by the do-it-yourself punk ethic and was a cassette packaged in a silver spray painted box containing 60...
Encontró 7 canciones, duración: 15:42
You Meet The Nicest People On A Harley
Sheena Was A Punk Rocker
Sheena Was A Punk Rocker