Count to Infinity | es

Japanese rock band formed in 2004. Indie debut in 2010, major debut in 2014 through Ki/oon Music. -Tanabe Shunichi (Vo/Gt) -Eguchi Yuuya (Gt/Leader) -Takamura Yoshihide (Dr) -Tsujimura Yuuta (Ba) .
Do As Infinity es una banda de Pop rock de Japón. Su composisión original consistía de Tomiko Van como vocalista, y Ryo Owatari en guitarra, y Dai Nagao como compositor y líder. El nombre del grupo es constantemente abreviado simplemente DAI, pero esta también es la sigla que utilizaba su productor, Dai Nagao, dentro de sus composiciones y arreglos en canciones. En Japón se les conoce más con la abreviación de DoAs. Debutaron oficialmente el 29 de septiembre de 1999 con su primer sencillo "Tangerine Dream". Junto con el lanzamiento de su último trabajo discográfico, un álbum recompilatorio con sus...
William Basie (Red Bank, 21 de agosto de 1904 - Hollywood, 26 de abril de 1984), Count Basie, director de big band y pianista estadounidense de jazz. Se trata de uno de los músicos de jazz más populares de la historia, vinculado, prácticamente durante cincuenta años, a la dirección de una big band de importante influencia en determinados registros estilísticos del jazz asociados principalmente al swing y a su corriente más tradicional. Hijo de padres músicos (su padre, Harvie Basie, tocaba el melófono y su madre, Lillian (Childs) Basie, era pianista), recibió de ella sus primeras lecciones, así como de...
1. COUNTDOWN is a hardcoreband from Belgium that started out late 2008 and is often compared to bands like INTEGRITY, RINGWORM, CONGRESS, KICKBACK,... 2. Countdown is a progressive metal band from Nancy (France), inspired by the likes of Dream Theater, symphony X, vanden Plas... Formed in 1996 and evolving from Hard rock to metal, it has finally arrived at a progressive style. Demos like"Footpath of stone" and "chains of a martyr" have led to a new album, "Break Rise Blowing", released in 2007 Based on text translated from: [email protected] 3. Countdown is a hardcore band hailing from all...
Some people DJ, others make beats. Heads everywhere spit lyrics—either off the dome or noted, and many are even recognized as true MC’s who actually manage to rock a crowd here & there. A few folks get by juggling two or more facets; and even a small number happen to be classically or self-taught piano players, drummers and strummers. Count Bass D does it all. Count has been working to prove this since his decade-old debut, Pre-Life Crisis (Sony). Not only did he compose every note, pen lyrics, contribute the cuts and scratches--but he played most of the instruments. .
Encontró 30 canciones, duración: 02:37:34
Count To Infinity, Twice
Count To Infinity
Count to Infinity, Twice
Count To Infinity
The Way I Live My Life (Count to Infinity mix)
The Way I Live My Life [count to infinity mix]
Visualise (Count To Infinity Remix)
Popism (Danceis Mix By Echo Image)
Moon Child Returns
Lily. The World Is Vile
Sunday Morning (The Velvet Underground cover)
The Bleak Midwinter
Space Age Love Song
Places You've Seen In Dreams
Undertow (Dead Star Mix By Icon Of Coil)
Undertow (Dead Star Mix)
Electric Venus [Liquid Sound Mix]
Places You've Seen In Dreams