Torture Incident | es

Unusual Incident ( 1999, Arjen Flipsen from the Nethterlands) Unusual Incident is a side project from Ancronix. Arjen Flipsen is a musician based in the Netherlands. His music was strongly affected by Funk and Soul. In 1999 Arjen Filpsen started as Unusual Incident. The Unusual Incident is a collective that contains solo work an some cooperations with other musicians. Ancronix/Unusal Incident .
The Curious Incident makes Pop/Rock with a Caribbean Twist from Cape Town, South Africa, London and The Netherlands. The band was founded by Kairo, has undergone several band member changes and now has Kairo and Diaz Tanurrezal at its core. Their Indie to make land-lovers want to surf can be heard on The buzz so far: The Curious Incident has been playlisted on Spotify and Deezer, played on BBC2 and 3FM (NL), had all 5 of the tracks submitted to BBC Introducing featured and have also had spot plays on XFM, BBC Suffolk, Absolute Radio, Wizard Radio and Amazing...
El grupo nace en mayo de 1989 en Santiago, Chile. Fundado por su Bajista y Vocalista, Francisco Cautín. En 1990 graban su primer Demo, "KINGDOM OF THE DARK". En 1991 firman contrato para grabar dicho Demo en Francia y causan gran impacto en Europa, apareciendo en METALHAMMER, PROGRESS, entre otras. En 1992 firman con el sello francés INFEST RECORDS y graban su debut L.P. "OPPRESSED BY THE FORCE" con el que se consagran definitivamente. En 1995 graban su E.P. en castellano titulado "LOS ÚLTIMOS TIEMPOS". En marzo de 1997 el baterista Martín Valenzuela junto a los guitarristas Sebastián Morales y...
Australian deathgrind outfit Insidious Torture formed in late 2008. Current line-up: Storma - Vocals Dan O'Grady - Guitar (Damaged (Aus), Terrorust) Matt "Skitz" Sanders - Drums (Damaged (Aus), Abramelin (Aus), Invocation (Aus), Hellspawn (Aus), Deströyer 666, Cemetery Urn, Terrorust, Humonic, Sadistik Exekution) Discography: - "Lust and Decay" EP (2010, self-released) Insidious Torture @ MySpace .
TORTURE SQUAD Torture Squad es una banda originaria de São Paulo, Brasil formada en el año 1990 sus miembros son Castor Bajista, Almilcar Christofaro Baterista, Vitor Rodriguez Vocales y Andre Evaristo Guitarrista. Despliegan un sonido poderoso catalogado como Death Thrash Metal lo cual se puede ver palpado en sus producciones discograficas Shivering (1998), Asylum Of Shadows (2000), The Unhloly Spell (2001) Pandemonium (2003) ,Death, Chaos And Torture Alive (2004) live cd, Death, Chaos And Torture Alive (2005) live DVD, Hellbound (2008) y su mas recienciente album AEquilibrium (2010). Torture Squad ha ganado varios seguidores en parte gracias a sus electrificantes...