DJ P Exclusivez, DJ Mosbash KE On The Track | es

Banda Sonora Original (BSO), en inglés Original Soundtrack (OST), a veces simplemente conocido como soundtrack, como también se la conoce muy a menudo en el argot cinematográfico, o simplemente banda sonora -significando en este caso alguna versión o parte- es el conjunto de palabras, sonidos y música que acompaña a una película. Normalmente, en cambio, y con algunas raras excepciones, el término alude solamente a la música de un film. Desde un punto de vista musical, se entiende como banda sonora original aquella música tanto vocal como instrumental compuesta expresamente para una película, cumpliendo como función la de potenciar aquellas...
Motion City Soundtrack es una banda estadounidense de punk-pop formada en 1997 en Minneapolis, Minnesota por Justin Pierre y Joshua Cain. En 2000 lanzaron su demo titulado "Back To The Beat", limitado a 1000 copias. En 2003, lanzaron su primer disco llamado "I Am The Movie" con la producción de Ed Rose y bajo el prestigioso sello de Epitaph. En 2004 se unieron a una gira con blink-182 por Europa y más tarde por Japón, gracias a que alguien que trabajaba en Atticus clothing los presentó. En algún momento Mark Hoppus dijo que se interesaría en producirles un disco, en...
Mario Strack is a composer, performer and producer of "lyrical electro rock" - cross genre, cross era. Born 4. 23. 1956 in Graz (Austria) Autodidact since he left school in the early 70's, he became a member in several rockbands and toured with them playing the keyboards. During the 80's he did lots of work as a composer and music producer for small indie-labels and major companies with his own Band "Luna Set" as well as with various other artists. With the beginning of the 90's he decided to go back to perfect independence. Together with his wife, the painter...
TETRACK is one of those groups that you hear about, and after you feel their music, you wish you knew more about. "When you know what why to where but haven't quite worn your wear, If only he could know, if only he could know. Readily carting faster, if i be mourned i will falter my sign in finding family transitorial master station five-eight." ~Dave Harvey TETRACK, a band entranced in a moment, suspended in stasis by a funk so equatorial and laid-back it actively pulls them backwards in time. Propelled forwards by the strength of a young and vital...
Stars of Track and Field is a three-piece indie pop band from Portland, Oregon, currently on Wind-Up Records. Their name is in reference to the Belle and Sebastian song of the same name. The band's latest album, titled A Time For Lions, was released September 1, 2009. When Stars of Track and Field found themselves without a bassist a couple of years ago, the Portland, Oregon-based band didn't follow the typical steps to find a replacement. No want-ads were placed; no attempts were made to recruit from other bands and nobody within the group switched instruments. Instead, the band opted...
Encontró 4 canciones, duración: 16:12
11 - F.L.Y. Ft. Roscoe Dash - Im So Gone
01 - Roscoe Dash - Call Me When U Need Me
02 - Roscoe Dash Ft. Niko - Maximum
14 - Band Geeks Ft. Roscoe Dash - I Go Dumb