Lamet | es

Flametal es una banda Californiana, pioneros en este nuevo género, que como su nombre lo indica, Es una fusión del género folklórico de la música flamenca y el poderoso estilo del metal. Su lider y fundador del grupo Benjamin Woods, guitarrista profesional de música flamenca, es el que se atrevió a experimentar con este nuevo y gran proyecto. Sus integrantes son, Benjamin Woods, Angeline Saris, Brian T. Spalding y Thomas Perry. Hasta la fecha tienen dos discos, el primero se titula "The Elder" (2005) y el segundo "Master Of The Aire" (2008). .
2006-Present. Willamette compose minimal works for tape, silence, voice and various stringed instrumentation. .
Willamette Stone is a fictional band from the movie "If I Stay" that based on the novel with the same title. movie: .
The Flametrick Subs hail from Austin, Texas. Formed in 1989 by lead vocals/guitarist, Buster Crash and lead guitarist, Clem Hoot, The Subs are still rockin' harder than ever. The Flametrick Subs have always been, and always will be a raw, high energy-filled live performance with a fine blend of psycho-alien-voodoo-bad girl originals. A little Johnny Cash...a bit of The Cramps, and a touch of The Ramones. Most of all, they're all drinkin' songs! Adding even more to this insane rock 'n' roll show, The Subs are joined by the finest go-go dancers from HELL, The Satan's Cheerleaders! The Flametrick Subs...