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Knorkator es un grupo de metal industrial originario de Berlín, Alemania, que Combina el Heavy Metal con elementos comicos. Ellos mismos se proclaman La mayor banda alemana en el mundo ("Deutschlands meiste Band der Welt"). La banda fue fundada en el 1994 pero solo ha tocado en Berlín y Brandenburgo hasta 1998. Knorkator Salto a la fama en el 2000 cuando tocaron Ick wer zun Schwein (Me estoy volviendo un cerdo) en el concurso nacional Aleman de Eurovision Song Contest. Knorkator se deriva de Knorke que es una palabra usada en Berlin que significa Grandioso con el sufijo, ator, alude...
Makaton Chat were a four-piece band from Stockton, UK, who released one single (Federal State Chance, 1982) and one album (Strange Beach, 1983) on Trans Records. Band members were: Anthony Lindo: lead vocal, keyboards John Hodgson: keyboards, vocal Paul Fowler: drums Richard Holmes: bass On Strange Beach they were joined by: Sally Jones: saxophones Roy Neave: guitars Steve Graham: guitars The group broke up in 1986 A history of the band (by keyboard player John Hodgson) has been started and can be accessed here: http://www.blitzkriegbop.info/makaton_chat/index.html The band formed in 1980, and went through many line up changes in addition to...
Another alternative name for Coil. Only one album, "Nasa Arab", was released under this moniker. One of the tracks, "First Dark Ride", was later released in Coil's Unnatural History III. .