Cupp Cave | fr

A l'instar de Shora, Cave In fait partie de ces groupes de Hardcore new-school ayant éffectué un virage à 180 degrés dans leur musique en délaissant le côté brutal et technique de leurs premières productions (en restant garants néanmoins de compositions de qualité). Et tandis que nos Suisses se sont orientés avec Malval vers un Post-Rock minimaliste, Cave In pratique désormais depuis quelques années déjà un style que l'on pourrait qualifier d'Emo-Rock planant. Le groupe voit le jour en 1995, inspiré à l'époque par des groupes comme Converge, Unwound ou Snapcase. A l'automne de cette même année, Jay Randall propose...
Sinoia Caves is another name for the analog synth wizard Jeremy Schmidt, who is also a principal member of the critically-lauded, maximal-rock band called Black Mountain. In addition to his solo music and his contributions as part of Black Mountain, Schmidt is also known for his work as former member of the celebrated space rock band Pipedream and as a part of the Destroyer-related band called The Battles. .
The Cave are four international teens: Huxley Rittman from the United States, Harry Darling from the United Kingdom, Haadi Moochhala, a Singaporean-Pakistani and Japanese-Mexican Emerson Gonzalez-Park. Their unique take on alternative rock music is gaining fans and recognition in Singapore and abroad. 2013 was a big year for The Cave; they were selected to perform for the Lucas Films holiday party at Avalon, were showcased at the Music Matters Festival and featured on HKGFM. They are currently ranked #2 on Reverbnation, often taking #1. From there, they were signed to ToCo International and have garnered a big following in Eastern...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1.) The Cave Men, a garage/psychedelic rock band from Florida, USA with song 'It's Trash'. 2.) A 60s garage rock/pop band from New Jersey, USA. 3.) A Dutch psychobilly band. 4.) A rock 'n' roll band from Auckland, New Zealand. Facebook. .