9MM | fr

Sugawara Takurō (菅原卓郎) : Chant, Guitare Taki Yoshimitsu (滝 善充) : Guitare Nakamura Kazuhiko (中村和彦) : Basse Kamijō Chihiro (かみじょう ちひろ) : Batterie 9mm Parabellum Bullet est un groupe de rock qui se forme en mars 2004. Le nom est bien évidemment tiré du calibre de cartouche. Jusqu'en septembre, le groupe multiplie les concerts à Yokohama jusqu'à sortir un EP auto-produit Talking Machine en octobre. A partir de novembre, le groupe étend la zone dans laquelle il effectue ses concerts. L'année suivante, 9mm Parabellum Bullet est repéré par le producteur kono et sous le label indie Zankyo record, il sort...
There are two bands named 9MM. 1) Band from Italy 2) Band from Germany 1) Mix up the purity of punk,the melodiousness of pop and a bit of hardcore fury and you'll have 9mm. This five pieces combo formed in Rome, Italy, in the first months of year 2000. Passing through various line up changes during the early years, the band has grown a unique strength and a deep convinction that everyone's effort brings results. Former drummers Bastiano and Luketto, now respectively playing in other bands such as POAH and Vanilla sky, helped growing 9mm lending their sweat to the...
Orange 9mm was a Post-Hardcore band from New York, United States Vocalist Chaka Malik and guitarist Chris Traynor met in the New York hardcore band Burn, and began playing together as early as 1992. With an early version of Orange 9mm, the duo released a live EP in 1993. The recording earned the band a contract with East West, and after picking up bassist David Gentile and drummer Matthew Cross, Orange 9mm began recording. Driver Not Included was released in 1994, and the band spent time touring with Helmet before signing with Atlantic the following year. Gentile left later in...
For years, the fearsome foursome known as 9mm SOLUTION has been turning heads and eradicating eardrums, leaving bloody, barely moving masses as they tore across the Midwest’s music scene . After the physical intensity of their performance, it’s easy to see that this band is on a mission to prove themselves as one of the hardest-working stage acts in the biz. One of the many things that has always set 9mm SOLUTION apart from other acts has been their seemingly effortless ability to cover the spectrum of today’s heavy metal sound. With songs like Suicide Letter and Below, you get...
A trouvé 171 Chansons, durée: 10:08:09
wadada dang 9mm
9 Mm | Speed up
9MM (миксы из tiktok)
Watch My 9mm Loli
9MM (rife cover)
Vol 9mm Its On [Full Tape]
9 грамм и 9 мм
9 Миллиметров
9 мм
9 грамм и 9 мм