Sophie x Ayesha erotica | fr

La Grande Sophie a vécu toute sa jeunesse à Port-de-Bouc près de Marseille. Elle crée la « kitchen music », qu'elle définit comme « un mouvement du milieu des années 90 qui considère l'activité musicale comme peu différente de toute autre tâche quotidienne ». Elle baigne dans le milieu musical dès son plus jeune âge. À treize ans, elle monte son premier groupe avec son frère et son voisin. Son instrument de prédilection est la guitare. Elle se met à écrire et à composer, alors qu'elle suit des cours aux Beaux-Arts à Marseille. Elle joue ses morceaux dans les terrasses...
An adorable little girl from Brighton, England. There comes a time in a true originals career where they become more than the sum of their influences. Sophie Madeleine's star is in such an ascendant, and we are witnessing the results of some maverick fusion. Steeped in an inherited classicism (she had a music-lover for a father,) she absorbed the greats of the last century - from Cole Porter to Gershwin, Bacharach, Beatles and beyond. Shades of Feist and Aimee Mann haunt her delivery, whilst she shines a light on the love song in a way that is at once candid,...
Sophie Solomon is a singer-songwriter/violinist born in the United Kingdom, who fuses many different musical influences into her music. Sophie Solomon began playing the violin at the age of two. At four she met Yehudi Menuhin and was taken to see the great cellist Mstislav Rostropovich. For the first five years she played totally by ear, learning to read music at the age of seven. Even though the National Children's Orchestra and ProCorda said she was one of the most promising violinists of her generation she gave up the violin at the age of 16 because she "was never completely...
Sophie Moleta is a singer, songwriter, composer and teacher with an intimate singing style. She is best known for her piano backed vocals in what can be described as 'folk pop', but has a wide range of recorded music with dance and house music, electronic ambient, laid back jazz and other styles. The music is personal, generally sparse but always with seductive beautiful vocals. Moleta was born in Wellington New Zealand, but grew up in Perth Western Australia. Her non-classical music career started with a local Perth punk band (The Brautigans) where she was backup vocalist and drummer. She has...
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