Die Fast And Decay | fr

Fastway est un groupe de hard rock britannique formé par le guitariste "Fast" Eddie Clarke, ancien membre de Motörhead, et le bassiste Pete Way, ancien membre de UFO. Les débuts : Le nom Fastway est la contraction du nom de ses membres fondateurs, "Fast" Eddie Clarke, ex guitariste de Motörhead et Pete Way ex bassiste d'UFO.Le chanteur Dave King (Flogging Molly) et le batteur Jerry Shirley (ex.Humble Pie) les rejoindront. Le groupe a été fondé en 1983. Pete Way ne resta que quelques semaines dans le groupe avant de fonder le sien, Waysted. Il sera crédité sur le premier album...
The Decay are a Canadian punk band, hailing from Guelph, Ontario, and operating in and around of the DIY punk scene. They are a part of the free digital destruction group - JuiceBox Records - http://juiceboxdotcom.com/recordingco/jb019/, where you can download their album, as well as many other amazing punk albums from the area. .
VIOLENTBREAKFAST is the name of a 5-piece post-hardcore\screamo band from Pisa\Italy. 2003: 4 friends in a hot practice room in summer 2004: demo cd-r - 5 songs 2005: france/germany/CZ tour with Socrates + split 7" with Laghetto + split cd with El Eje Del Mal,Socrates,Shooting Victor Francis. 2006: Botta joined the band + Spain tour with Khere ( april ) + Uk tour with Night And The City ( august ) 2007: first full lenght record "Nient'altro che tempo" 2008: 2 split records planned + Uk tour ( may ) www.violentbreakfast.org myspace.com/violentbreakfast .
http://breakfastinfur.com/ Breakfast in Fur hail from New Paltz, NY. Dan Wolfe, Kaitlin Van Pelt, Mike Hollis, Matt Ross http://soundcloud.com/breakfast-in-fur http://breakfastinfur.bandcamp.com/ https://twitter.com/breakfastinfur_ .
A trouvé 18 Chansons, durée: 28:36
No Home [rec/mix/master]
Slave Work Die [rec/mix/master]
Slave Work Die [remixed & remastered]
Slave, Work, Die
Me, Fast Forward To Decay
Slave, Work, Die
Pest (feat. Slippy)
All I Have To Say
Jesus Crust [remixed & remastered]
No Home [remixed & remastered]
Jesus Crust [rec/mix/master]
Satan Slave [remixed & remastered]