Macca | fr

Tension, filth, technical, obnoxious, and in your face beats are ways one can best describe Macca’s cutting edge sound. Most of his releases have made it to the top of various charts across the globe which has led to immense respect from many of the industry’s key players. He continues to break new ground with every new release by experimenting with new sounds, textures, tones, and crossbreeding key elements from other musical genres and blending his own mix of undeniable electronic infused dirtiness. Because of his unique production and spot on DJ skills, Macca has gained hundreds of thousands of...
Maccabeez is a group formed and introduced by the Wu-Tang Clan affiliate Killah Priest. The group featured on Killah Priest's album View From Masada and its original members were Killah Priest, Daddy Rose and Salahudin however the latter two have been replaced by Timbo King and Hell Razah, both of which were originally Wu-Tang affiliates and have solo albums. .
The Maccabees est un jeune groupe anglais. Après deux ans et demi de répétitions dans le sud de Londres et de concerts un peu partout en Angleterre, les Maccabees ont sorti leur premier single le 28 novembre 2005 sur leur propre label « Promise ». Cela aura été la seule réalisation de ce label car ils se font vite remarquer et sortent tout de suite un deuxième single sur Fierce Panda avant d’être rattrapés par Fiction Records, une division d’Universal connue pour avoir sorti les albums de The Cure. .