Femme Fatale | it

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Femme Fatale, an East York, Ontario, Canada based band, is Jesse F. Keeler's solo project. Although it is considered a solo project, the band consists of seven people when playing live shows. In the studio, Keeler played all the instruments, sings all the vocals, and writes all the songs on each recording.
The brainchild of Jesse F. Keeler, Femme Fatale could be recognised as a more hardcore sounding alternative to Death from Above 1979. Jesse plays all the instruments, does all the vocals, and writes all the songs on each recording (Sebastien Grainger is credited with playing percussion on Fire Baptism). Although Femme Fatale is seen as a side project of Death from Above 1979 it didn't start out that way. In Jesse's own words, this is how it all came about:
Al-p was in a band called the Spiral Hill with half the people in Sick Lipstick. I was in a band called Standing 8 and we had just broken up. Me and the keyboard player from Standing 8 stole the bass player and singer from Spiral Hill and became Black Cat #13. Al-p recorded the Black Cat #13 records.
Black Cat was a frustrating band to be in so I started Femme Fatale while it was still happening. I met Seb when I was trying to find a drummer to play in Femme Fatale. That's how Death from Above got started. Al and I kept recording together and that's how MSTRKRFT got started. .

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