Mother Destruction | it

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MD: evolving out of ex-Death in June member Patrick O'Kill Leagas and his Sixth Comm project, and Amodali's magickal explorations.

Sixth Comm was founded in 1986 by Patrick "O'Kill" Leagas, former drummer and vocalist in the first incarnation of Death In June. The early Sixth Comm releases present a mix of melancholic synth pop, ritual sounds and experiments, as well as several reworkings of songs which Leagas had written for Death In June. Sitxh Comm's imagery is heavly influenced by Norse mythology and magic. The band had sometimes the collaboration of appreciated pagan scholar and writer Freya Aswynn. Later on Leagas met dancer/singer Amodali and they started to collaborate under the name Mother Destruction. Sixth Comm has been since then put to a rest, even if anthologies and other releases still appear from time to time.

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