When Amber Sleeps | it

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Born in the summer of '09 out of sunny Pensacola, Florida, When Amber Sleeps is making a name for themselves everywhere they go. Focusing on their energetic live performances as well as their unique blend of hardcore, screamo and metal with slick synth breakdowns, It's hard to believe their youngest member is only 15 years old. Having played numerous successful shows over their first summer and having already shared the stage with big names such as Attack Attack!, Breathe Carolina, Before Their Eyes, Attila, Drop Dead Gorgeous, See You Next Tuesday, Arsonists Get All The Girls, He Is Legend, Abacabb, For The Fallen Dreams, Knives Exchanging Hands and numerous others as well as seeing such a positive response from teens and other musicians alike, it's easy to expect a lot more of these boys in the near future... .

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